Meetings and Questions

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"Hey, babe?" I heard Luke. Even thought I want to rip my hair out sometimes when I hear his voice it still gives me chills. Makes me grin.

"Yes?" My perkiness showing in my voice, "You called?"

He chuckled and kisses my nose, "You wanna go do something? I'm heading out with the guys later tonight and I thought I would spend my time with you."

I smiled widely and set down my book, "That sounds like a great idea. What do you want to go do? We could go to a movie, go to the mall, what would you like to do?"

He shrugged and look at his hands, "Go have lunch with my Mum?"

My eyes widened and I choked on my water, "What? Luke, I've never met your mum. What if she doesn't like me or what if-"

"She will love you. Because I love you." He rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "I promise."

I bit my lip, he's met my parents, but my parents really don't care. About anything that has to do with me, in fact.

"Luke, I don't know..."

"C'mon, Aub. You don't have to be so anxious all the time." He hit a nerve. He knows that it's a real struggle of mine to even order my own food when we go to dinner.

"Excuse me?" I gave him a look, "I can be what ever-"

He sighed and nods, "I'm sorry..." He looks up at me and lifts my chin, "I'm just as nervous as you are. But I want you to meet my mum eventually. And she's in town and we aren't doing anything this afternoon." I nodded and looked at my hands.

"I guess it could be fun..." I shrugged and stood up, "I'll go get dressed."

He smiled and kissed me, "I love you, my love."

I giggled and nodded, "I love you, too, Luke."

He pouted a bit, "No pet name?"

I smiled and thought for a minute, "My penguin." I kissed his cheek and walked into our room and grabbed a shirt and some jeans to put on.

Luke walked in the room as I was checking in the mirror and hugged me from behind, "You look amazing, baby." I smiled widely and looked at him from the mirror.

"Thank you. Where are we meeting your mum and when?" I walked over to my vanity and grabbed the mascara and put some on, and put on some lip gloss.

"She said she would be at Jeffery's in a half hour." Luke slipped on his shoes.

Putting my hair in a ponytail, I nodded and looked in the mirror before walking out the door.

"You got the keys, hun?" I asked, checking my purse.

"Right in my hand. Quit worrying and let's get out of here before we miss the whole lunch." He rested his hand at the small of my back and guided me out the door and locked it.

We walked down the street, hand in hand. I felt my phone buzz and I took it out, checking it.

Crystal, my best friend, texted me, "Hey! Did you cut it with Mr.Grumpy Pants?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and texted back, "What?"

"Did you cut the tie? Break the chain? Do a Mexican dance on his heart?"

I rolled my eyes, "Crystal... no I didn't. Because I wasn't planning on it."

"Honey, that relationship is toxic. He yells at you and broke your favorite vase. You have to see it. And you aren't a sunshine in the relationship either."

"I can't just leave him. I love him."

I could sense the aggravation through the texts, "You sound like a Disney Princess... 'Daddy, I love him'. Love, you can't tell the F-Boy in him."

"I'm about to go have lunch with his mum. I'll call you later." I turned off my phone.

"Who were you texting?" Luke's voice made me jump.

"Just Crystal. She's coming over while you're with the guys." He smiled and nodded.

"Sounds fun." We got to the place and sat down, seeing she hadn't gotten there yet.

Luke and I looked over the menu then I saw a woman standing next to our table, "Oh, you must be Aubrey. I'm Luke's mum."

I smiled widely and stood up to shake her hand but she pulled me into a hug, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs.Hemmings."

"Oh, please, dear call me Liz. That makes me sound old." We both kind of laughed and sat down.

Luke looked at me and smiled and I did the same, scooting closer to him.

"So, Aubrey," I looked up at Liz, "Tell me about yourself."

"Um, well I'm studying in med school to become a nurse."

"Well that's lovely," she smiled at me.

Luke piped in, "Babe, tell her about the news you received." He sipped on his drink and rested his arm up on the back of the seat, behind me.

She looked at me, "Oh! Uh, one of the hospitals in Sydney said that they would hire me once I got out of med school!"

"That's fantastic, love!" I smiled and nodded.

We all small talked and laughed.

"It was great to finally meet you, Aubrey." Liz said, after hugging me.

"No, the pleasure is all mine. I'll see you sometime soon, I presume." She nodded and hugged Luke again before getting back into her car.

"See? I told you she would love you." Luke said, wrapping one arm around my back and put his fingers around my side, pulling me closer.

"You're mum is great. And funny. What was that story she talked about, with you and your brother, Jack?"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Where Jack super glued me to a chair, so I put gum in his hair while he was asleep?"

I giggled, "You sounded like a hoot."

"Oh please, I was a hoot and a half." I laughed and tucked a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear.

He stopped and bent down. "Luke, what are you doing?" He knelt down on one knee and my eyes widened.

"There's a very special question I've wanted to ask you..." my heart beat stayed high and my breathing was frequent. "Can I tie your shoe?"

He cracked a goofy smile and I caught my breath. "Luke, you douche!" I pushed him back a little but he caught himself.

He couldn't stop laughing, "Babe... babe, I'm sorry... c'mere..." he pulled me close and hugged me.

I hugged back and sighed.

I didn't think that's how that would play out...

Rock Bottom~Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now