Long Nights

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Once Luke and I got home, he went back into our room and I called Crystal.

"Hey!" She chimed.

"Hey, do you want to come hang out while Luke hangs out with the guys?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.

"I'm actually going to a party tonight. You could come if you want to..." My eyes widened.

"Nononono, I can't. Luke will never-"

She groaned and I could tell she threw her head back, "Love, Sweet pea, Babe, Honey, stop. Worrying. About. Him. Screw him."


"I don't mean like that. Ew. I don't wanna know about that. Come to the party, it'll be fun. Maybe you'll meet a guy that treats you right." I rolled my eyes.

"Crys... you know he does. I love him and he loves me. We share an apartment, for God's sake. We butt heads a lot, but every couple has their moments." I picked at my nails.

She never approved of our relationship. Ever since I started dating him back in Uni, she always said it was a waste of time. A cute frat boy will never stay with his girlfriend for a long time. We've been dating for five years now and she still says he could cut it off by tomorrow. She just wants to best for me and I understand. Her boyfriend is best friends with Luke. Michael and her are the cutest and she doesn't see how Luke and I fit into that category.

"Aubrey, come to this party. You need it. There's going to be drinks and food and games and it's going to a blast. And I won't tell Luke that we went out, okay?" I gave in.

"Fine, he's leaving after us, so I have to sneak out in a baggy sweatshirt."

"We can stuff it in the back of my car. I'll pick you up in an hour and a half. Bring your make up in your purse." I nodded. "Love you, Aub. See you in a bit."

"Love you, too. Bye." I hung up and sighed.

Luke walked in the room, "Who was that?"

"That was just Crystal. We're going to hang out at her place, instead of here."

He smiled and nodded. "Okay, babe."

A few hours passed and I got my make up in a bag and I put on my short, black dress underneath one of my baggy sweatshirt. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder and walked out, "Crystal's here!" I yelled out.

Luke yelled back, "Okay, love. I love you!"

I smiled, "Love you too." I walked out and ran down to Crystal's car and quickly got in, "Drive."

She nodded and drove away from the apartment complex. I put on my make up, using the mirror, and took off my sweatshirt.

"Daaaaaaaannnng... gurl, you look fabulous."

I chuckled, "Thank you." I put on my heels and fixed my hair.

We pulled up to a house and it looked like hell broke out. There was red Solo cups out on the lawn, you could smell the stench of alcohol from the house, just from the street.

"Is this really a good idea?" I asked turning to face her but she was already half way out of the car.

I sighed and got out, walking to the house. My nostrils stung from the strong smell of the drinks.

"Cryyyyysssstaaaaaaaall." A girl slurred, clearly drunk

She rolled her eyes, "Arz, you're already drunk? Really?"

"Hi, I'm Aub-" I started.

"I don't care who you are. I don't want your life story." I frowned and nodded.

Her and Crystal started talking and I got up to get a drink. I heard some people behind me come and grab a drink. I turned to see who it was and it was Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum.

Luke was drunk out of his mind, already. I saw him wink at me and I rolled my eyes. This must've been the party he was coming to.

He grabbed another drink and headed out to the living room, next to Arzaylea and Crystal.

I furrowed my eyebrows as Arzaylea started throwing herself at Luke, and I walked closer to them.

"C'mon, Luke. I won't tell Aubrey. There are bedrooms back there." She purred to him.

My eyes felt hot as tears came to them.

"I don't know, Arz-"

"Luke... you know you want to..."

"I don't want to!" His voice getting more stern.

"C'mon, we're drunk. It's just another excuse to do stupid things that we wouldn't do while we're sober."

"I said I don't want to. And when I say that, I mean it. I have a beautiful girlfriend that is at home-" he clearly forgot he just winked at me "with her best friend. She trusts me. Maybe not fully because I can be a douche sometimes, but she trusts me. She really does, and I'm not blowing it on a slut. So sorry that I'm not a boy toy that you can use when you want." He voice raised a little throughout the rant.

I sighed and pulled Crystal aside, "We need to go home..."

"Wha-but we just-what about." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"I'll be driving. We're also bringing Luke home so he doesn't kill himself, trying to drive."

She nodded and headed to the car and sat in the back and fell asleep.

I went to go grab Luke and took him by the arm, "C'mon, Luke, we're going home."

He giggled and hick-upped, "Okay, nice lady. You know I like your face. But I have a girlfriend..." he sounded like a toddler, which made me laugh.

"I am your girlfriend."

He looked at me and smiled, "Man, I got lucky... am I a jerk to you?"

I bit my lip, as I walked, "Sometimes... it hurts." I nodded, "But I know you love me."

"But how?"

I looked at him, "Because even when you're yelling at me, there's a shimmer in your eyes. Also, when we go to sleep, if I'm far away from you, you'll pull me closer and bury my face in your chest and whisper little nothings in my ear. Crystal doesn't like you very much because we fight a lot. But she doesn't see that you actually love me."

He had the biggest smile on his face and I chuckled. He looked like he was trying to kiss my head, but he missed and kissed my eye, "Well let me tell you... when I yell at you and get jealous... it's only because I'm scared, terrified... of losing you. Because without you... I'm just a tall dude with a guitar. You make me something... something special..."

I smiled widely and helped him in the car. Once I got us all in the car, we started heading for our apartment.

I pulled Crystal in because she could barely walk and Luke walked behind me.

We got Crystal in the spare bedroom and I got undressed and laid in bed.

Luke got in next to me and pulled me closer, like I said he always did, "I love you... and I need you like a storm needs rain..."

I giggled a little because he was barely making any sense.

I listened to his nonsense and fell asleep to it.

I love you, and I'll marry you one day...

I heard that... as I fell asleep.

Rock Bottom~Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now