My Summer in Greenville: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It's been one week since we found Logan at Mason's house. So far, nobody else has found out that he ran away. Although, the twins haven't really been inconspicuous. The twins were up fighting for hours the night we found Logan. And the day after that. And the day after that. Loudly. A few days ago, they just stopped talking altogether. We've all tried to get them to tell us what happened, but to no avail. They won't open up to any of us. Tiffany has gotten closer to Luke but he still won't say anything about it to her. Logan has been hiding out in his room all week so nobody has really talked to him enough to get him to talk. Until today. Last night, the girls and I made a plan. They would distract the rest of the family while I corner the twins and demand answers. It may not be the nicest approach but it is more likely to get an explanation out of them this way than it is to let him sit alone in his room and hope for the best.

"Ready for tonight?" Tiffany asked me, while we got ready for the day.

"Yeah , I think I am," I replied, honestly.

"So what exactly do you plan on doing to get them to talk, anyway?"

"I don't plan on doing much. I'm just going to go to their room in the attic and I'm going to ask them for the truth and I won't leave until I get it. I mean they'll have to talk at some point, right?" They can't just stay silent forever. As Arthur Weasley would say, 'As the muggles would say, the truth will out!'.

"Seems like a good plan to me."

"Well thanks, I'm glad that my plan has your blessing," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anytime," Tiff winked back.

"So how do you and Alivia plan on distracting the family for an indefinite amount of time?"

"Easy. Shopping." Shopping?...

"Care to elaborate?"

"Well I've convinced everyone to go shopping with me and, as you know, I can spend endless hours shopping and will easily be able to occupy everyone else. You can just say that you don't feel well and there isn't a doubt in my mind that the twins will make up their own excuse for not coming with. When we leave, you corner them, get the truth, and text me so I know when it's safe to return." Sounds good to me.

"Well that's a pretty good plan."

"I know right! I am a genius!"

"That's one thing to call you," I joked.

"Jerk!" Tiff yelled as she threw a pillow at me that I was barely able to dodge.

"Just kidding! Gosh, violent much?"

"Maybe, rude much?"


"Ready! How about you?" Tiff said, as she finished her hair.

"Yup!" I said, putting on my charm bracelet.

"Yay! Let Operation Respondit begin!" Operation... Respondit?

"Wait... Operation Respondit?"

"Yeahh! Respondit means answers in Latin." Oh, because that makes so much more sense now!... Not really...

"But Latin is a dead language." Nobody speaks Latin...

"Which is exactly what its perfect. Nobody will know what it means."

"Fair enough."

"Yup! Always thinking, I am!"

"That you are. Shall we?"

"We shall." We linked arms, like in the Wizard of Oz (AKA best movie EVER), and joined my family, the Walters, and the Reeds.

"Ready to go, girls?" my mom asked.

My Summer in GreenvilleWhere stories live. Discover now