Edging 101

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Frerard, smut, 1564 words
By: Cock_Zero

“Gerard?” Frank murmured. He was playing with the hem of his shirt, rolling the fabric back and forth between his fingers as Gerard worked on his college homework. It was something about the Cold War? He didn’t care enough to pay attention when Gerard told him.

His friend hummed, bent down low over his notebook, pencil scribbling his near illegible writing on the paper.

Frank frowned. He knew when he was being ignored and that hum was an ‘I’m ignoring you ‘cause I’m busy’ hum. He groaned, head rolling back against the wall over the headboard of Gerard’s, for once clean, bed. “Gerard,” he whined, pouting out his lip.

“What, Frank? I’m busy,” Gerard snipped and Frank pouted his lip out farther.

“Dick,” he muttered, smirking when Gerard turned his chair around, glaring at him. “Don’t know why you invited me over if you’re just gonna ignore me and do homework.”

“You invited yourself over,” Gerard stated. “Now what do you want so I can finish my work?”

Frank swallowed, bringing his knees together and rubbing his palms down the fabric of his jeans. Now that Gerard’s attention was on him, he was nervous and embarrassed. “I,uh. I-“

“Spit it out,” Gerard said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I have a… problem,” Frank mumbled. He looked away, down at the Batman sheets under his ass, and breathed slowly. Gerard continued to watch him, nodding his head and waving his hand through the air for him to go on. “It’s um, a personal problem?” Frank said, biting his lip. “Like, a super fucking embarrassing, I think I’ll actually die if it gets out, kind of problem.”

Gerard sighed, “Then why are you even mentioning it?” He relaxed his arms, scratching his stomach and stretching.

“Cause,” Frank started. His palms were sweating and he wiped them on his jeans again. “Cause I was wondering if you could help me? Or like, know of anything I could do to… cure it?” Frank shrugged. He looked up, seeing Gerard’s patient face and smiled shortly. “I kinda… come too early?” he blurted out, flushing heavily as the words filled the room.

It was a few minutes before Gerard finally spoke. “Oh?” he said, voice cracking around the edges.

Frank wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Just leave nothing left, not even the smallest hint that a Frank Iero ever existed.

Gerard cleared his throat. “I-I guess I could help you, um. If you-you want me too, that is,” he said and Frank glanced across the room.

He could see that Gerard was just as embarrassed as him, if not more so. What could be more embarrassing than finding out one of your friends has premature ejaculation? Well, finding out you have it yourself, but that was Frank’s problem.

“There’s this thing I read about, and kinda tried myself, not because I have it too or anything!” Gerard fumbled to his feet, hands moving rapidly as he spoke. “But, like, I heard, er, read that it was like really great to do anyway and it’s supposed to help with it, and like, I tried it a few weeks ago and I could explain it to you?” he finished, sitting at the foot of the bed.

Frank looked up, eyebrows raised in anticipation. Something to help him would be awesome. More than awesome actually. “What’s it called?” he asked.

Gerard fumbled around again, knees knocking together as he bit his thumbnail. “Edging,” he said.

“What?” Frank asked again, a frown on his face.

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