Nothing Comes As Easy As You

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Frerard, smut, 8585 words
By: rivers_bend

It's Friday night, and like most Friday nights since Frank got paired with Mikey Way in Chemistry and discovered Mikey a) was awesome, and b) knew a lot more interesting people than Frank did, they're down in his brother Gerard's basement bedroom trying to convince him to come out with them.

"C'mon, Gee," Frank says, shoving at the edge of Gerard's boot with the toe of his converse. "It'll be fun. Promise."

Eyes on where Frank's foot is prodding at his, Gerard waves a hand in the general direction of his desk behind him and gives his eternal excuse. "Got a project due Monday."

"You always have a project due Monday," Mikey says. "Maybe some day you'll start it before Friday night."

"Probably not." Gerard tears his eyes away from his feet long enough to give Mikey a little smile. "Semester's over in a couple weeks."

"He's too cool for us." Frank says it like he's kidding, but Gerard's in art college making actual art. He doesn't need a fake to buy beer anymore. He is pretty cool.

"Yeah," Mikey says. "I don't think that's it."

Gerard mimes stabbing himself in the heart and collapses backwards in his chair, making it wobble alarmingly. Frank grabs at Gerard's knees to rescue him, but by the time he's made contact, Gerard's recovered and is sticking his tongue out at his brother. "Whatever. I'm way cooler than you."

"You wish."

As Mikey stands to leave, he gives his brother a peck on the forehead. Frank stands too, and plants a sloppy kiss on Gerard's cheek just to see what he'll do. He flails, tipping his chair again, and this time he grabs for Frank, catching his shoulders and jerking him off balance so Frank's lips mash against his hairline.

"Oh I see how it is," Frank says, laughing, pushing himself upright again. "Foreheads only around here."

"We don't discriminate against other heads. All head kissing is welcome." Gerard waves in the direction of his crotch like Frank might not get it.

Laughing again, Frank grabs his own junk. Sometime's Gee's so fucking delicate. "Kiss this," Frank says. Gerard rolls his eyes, but he's totally grinning.

"Dude, stop kissing my brother. There's beer waiting for us." Mikey's got a foot on the stairs already.

"Work hard," Frank says, heading for the door.

"Have fun," Gerard tells them, spinning his chair toward his desk.

Three hours later, Frank and Mikey are a little drunk and a lot high—or maybe a lot drunk and a little high, at this point Frank is honestly not really sure anymore—but they got spots on the sofa even though there are a ton of people at this party, and Frank has his mom's permission to sleep over at the Ways' and Mikey's parents won't notice if they come home wasted, plus someone just handed Mikey a fresh forty, and if Mikey has beer that means Frank has beer because Mikey's awesome like that, so Frank's cool with everything.

The guy who brought Mikey his drink lies on the floor next to them and puts his feet up on the couch so he's sort of cuddling with Mikey's shoes, and what the fuck. If you want to sit next to Mikey, sit next to him. Don't cuddle his shoes. His shoes stink. Frankie knows this from personal experience.

"Hey, Pete," Mikey says, shifting a little, but not making an attempt to dislodge him.

"Mikey Way," Pete says, face breaking on the biggest smile Frank's ever seen. His hair is very black and his teeth are very white, and in the dim light he looks kind of like one of the characters Gerard draws in his comics sometimes. Frank likes Gerard's comics. A lot. He's not sure about Pete yet.

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