Chapter twenty one

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After Demi finally got Lauren's attention, they brought her over to Sean who could help with her hand. Lauren was absolutely terrified, she knew Sean hated her but she didn't know why. Nor did Lauren care that he didn't like her, its not like she did anything to him. He needs to get over himself.

(I have no idea if I misspelled Sean's name throughout the story but I'm sorry if I did. lol I just caught it while I was looking over this chapter.)

Her hand was taking on a nasty blue tint with a few small glass shards sticking out. The pain was indiscernible, there but not there at the same time.  It was not a sight you wanted to see. So even though she didn't like Sean she knew she had to at least see someone or risk an infection especially with broken skin. And Lauren didn't want to burden them anymore with her hand than she already is.

I mean this is her second time here because she's dumb and keeps injuring herself.

After walking to the room where all the medical supplies were located on their tour bus (which was located outside their hotel in the back as to keep privacy and took a seat as they waited for him.) they sat on the couch facing the door waiting for Sean to come in.

Let's just say the tension in the room was suffocating the both of them.

"Lauren honey, we need to talk about this." Demi said squeezing Lauren's good hand in her own shaking hands. 

It really has been a long day. For everyone.

Demi had a feeling that she wasn't gonna get anything from her daughter but she knew she had to at least try, they couldn't go on like this, walking on egg shells afraid to ask questions as to not upset anyone. That's not the way Demi wanted to live.
And neither did Lauren no matter how much she wanted to keep from her mom as to not hurt her.

Lauren held back her sigh knowing it wasn't the time or place to give an attitude and nodded her head reluctantly. Why would she ever want to talk about what happened? That's crazy talk.

"I know. But nothing happened I swear." Lauren said huffing when her mother pointedly stared at her hand.

Lauren knew that it didn't look good especially with a broken hand but nothing happened, nothing she wasn't used to at least. And anyways how did anyone explain that?

"Honey, I promised myself that when I became a mother I wouldn't push an ultimatum on them." Sighing Demi cleared her throat, " but this can't go on. I can see you Lauren. Baby you're not okay. And that's fine. But we need to work on that then."
"But I'm okay! This was nothing Mama! Please!" Lauren pleaded, under the impression that her mom was going to remove her from the tour.

Tears escaping her eyes she laid her head on her mothers shoulder trying her hardest to have a steady breathing rhythm. Demi having seen her daughter start to cry brought her closer to her shushing her while she continued to talk.

"Lauren in order to stay on tour you need to talk to someone, you cannot go on like this. It's only gonna hurt you. I know a few therapists that could come on tour with us. But if you decide that's not you then one of us will have to do. And that's final. Your health comes first. Do you understand me?" Demi's voice held no room for any sort of disagreement. Not that Lauren really wanted to.

"Whatever. " was all demi got from her daughter. Rolling her eyes, Demi ignored Lauren's attitude and focused on waiting for Sean. God, this little girl Is gonna test my patience, Demi thought while shifting away from the moody teen. Playing on her phone Demi could see Lauren cast a worried glance her way. Rolling her eyes, Demi pulled Lauren into her chest to cuddle while continuing her game.

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