10. hidden in plain sight

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Chapter 10- Hidden In Plain Sight....

Yeah so I've decided I don't like hospitals anymore, like I get they save peoples lives and all that but really could they be anymore depressing

"Miller!" a voice called out over the hospital intercom

"Come on boys... Oh and Maddison" Sarah-Jane said standing from the hospital seat and walking out of the waiting room we were in

It looked as though the boys were taking the accident really badly and by accident I mean this....

I was most of the way down the stairs that I tried to jump the rest but being the clutz I am I start to fall, just then Mason wraps his arms around my waist from behind me, pulling me into he's chest

"you ok?"

I nodded, frozen on the spot by the warm tingling sensation I was getting for being so close


"Oh yeah sorry" he quickly placed me back on my feet and ran past following all the noise

I looked down to where his hands once were, the tingling sensation slowly fading away, I breathed in and out

then as if reality hit me I started running to the noise just as Mason


A man with a aid bag ran pass me, as I ran through the back doors that lead up to the deck with the pool down the steps at the end.

Just as I walked out onto the deck I saw 4 people carrying a stretcher around the back, I gasped and ran to where I could see Mason and Sarah-Jane who was creatiling Harry in her arms

"Oh thank god" I ran up to Sarah-Jane looking at Harry who had tear stains down his face, still in his little boy shorts and wet from the pool

"Wait! if Harry's here and safe, who was on that stretcher?" I asked scarred to know the answer



"it looks as if Mr Miller has broken his back leg muscle, which will not effect his life after it is healed" I heard Mason sigh in relief behind me

"does anyone know how Mr Miller got injured?" the doctor asked

Sarah- Jane cleared her throat with Harry still in her arms

"I had just gotten back to the estate after going out to family business, and saw Harry in the pool playing with Maddison, I started cleaning up when Maddison came running inside and off to her room, I believe, I was going to go out and look after Harry but saw Thomas out there and thought no need to, so I made a coffee and sat at the table looking at the two boys playing until Harry was swinging on the rope swing , which he is too young to be on, he started to jump off but was to scared and started falling to the water, last thing I saw was Thomas jumping out catching Harry and falling hard to the bottom of the pool with Harry weakly in his arms as they floated up" she sighed, mumbling something about should of being there to look after Harry

"Ok well Thomas should be ok. but please only 1 visitor at a time" the doctor smiled then left leaving us all waiting outside Thomas' room

it seemed no one was going to move so I spoke up

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