Chapter 10

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“You’re so young” I said.

“I know I’m so young to be a hooker. You’d be surprised, I seen girls as young as eleven on the corner” Candy said.

“That’s sad” I said.

“Yeah but we all gotta eat right, everybody ain’t got parents to care for them. Sometimes you just gotta make it for yourself” Candy said.

“I know, it’s still sad. And it’s sick, men sexing girls as young as eleven. Beating them up treating them any kind of way. Sad” I said.

“Honey, that’s our job, we give men what other women won’t. And if he get bruised along the way, then so be it, at least we get paid. You got a smoke?” Candy said

“No I don’t. No one should live that way. How long you been doing this” I asked.

“Since I was sixteen. Know where my purse is?” she asked.

“It’s up front, hold on I’ll go get it” I said. I snuck out again, and her purse was right beside Harold, who was snoring with his mouth wide open. I snagged the purse, and rushed back to my room.

“Here” I said.

“Thanks, mind if I smoke” she asked.

“No” I said. She pulled out a smoke, and lit it.

“Would you like one” she offered.

“No thanks” I said.

“Have one, it relieves stress” Candy said. So I took one, and she lit it for me. First puff, and I choked, Candy patted me on the back. Second puff, a little bit smoother, and I did ok. And before I knew it, I was just a smooth ride.

“Mind if I lay next to you” I asked.

“Not at all” Candy said. I laid back and stared at my reflecting in the mirror.

“Who does all these drawings” Candy asked looking around.

“Me” I said puffing my cigarette.

“You can’t draw that good can you” she asked.

“Yeah I can, I’ll draw you” I said sitting up. I flicked on a lamp, and got some blank paper and a pencil.

“You can’t” she said.

“Be still, and I will” I said. She propped her head up on her elbow, and laid on her side. Her vagina was peeking from under my oversized shirt. She didn’t put on the sweats.

I began to sketch her” I said. She puffed her cigarette, and waited as I sketched her. In less then twenty minutes or so, she was drawn. I signed it at the bottom, and handed it to her.

“See” I said.

“Holy shit, it looks just like me” she said.

“I told you, I could draw” I said.

“Hell, I look better on paper then I do in real life” she laughed.

“You say so” I said.

“Can I keep it” she asked.

“Sure” I said.

“I love it” she yawned.

“You tired” I asked.

“Yeah. Mind if I crash here tonight” Candy asked.

“I don’t see why not” I said.

“What’s it gonna cost me? I recommend the finger job, most women say I had magic fingers” Candy said.

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