Chapter 2: What? Maybe... Nah.

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I definitely, 100% need to start with this.
You know... in case anyone actually finally reads it.
My gosh, I am so freaking sorry. So, due to complications with the site, and with some of my actions, you are either reading these in order (one before two), or this chapter is the one you're starting on. Yup, I was so pissed I could kill and cry for days. Whatever. Now everyone knows. Just use the handy dandy freaking notebook- just kidding- sidebar to look up the chapters, because...

A) if this chapter (2) is the first one you're reading, you can find chapter 1 right after it in the sidebar. Then use the sidebar to go back to two once you're through. After that they should all be in order.

B) if you've read chapters 1 and 2 in order so far, that means 3 will come after chapter 7. After reading chapter 3, you can rely on the sidebar to find every chapter. After 8 things should be fine though.

Tee's POV

  I lean with my head down on the counter in my apartment, telling my closest friend all my problems. My closest friend is my toaster, and I'm tired out of my mind and high on jellybeans. You know, since Easter's "right around the corner" even though it's currently February.
   I manage to hop up and stumble my way to my room where I flop onto the bed.
I groan a couple times as I switch positions, my attempt at trying to sleep. Finally, I reach for my radio, my second best friend. Yup, I'm a lonely insomniac.
   My favorite channel is all talking, weird for this time of night. I switch to another one. Still talking. Already, I'm totally tired and too lazy too muster the energy to tune it again.
   I listen half listen for awhile. There's something about a band called "MCR" or something. I roll over. Wonder what it stands for. If it does. As always, I just sort of put it out of my mind. I always have more important things to focus on. Life is very complicated, specifically mine.
   They begin to play a few songs by them to show examples. Sort of like a "this band" for dummies type of thing. Then they talk more about the band, which I now know is called "My Chemical Romance." They've lost their lead singer, their front man. No one's sure where he's gone.
   As they play a couple more songs, all I can think is: they're really good. Their music -which apparently has a lot of influence from the lead singer- is really life changing and touching.
   Wow. Good thing Mike isn't here. I chuckle to myself. Hahaha. He's a jerk who ruins every thing for me. Haha. (Note sarcasm.)
And now I've got to figure out how to sell freaking jerky and ketchup pizza, with a side of Twinkies.
   What am I doing with my life? Oh, right. Hiding things from service people and working with very dangerous people because otherwise things will go from bad to worse. I face palm. Wow. Loving the positive out take on life. Way to go, me!
   But anyway, weirdness aside, I gotta call Mike.
   Ring ring ring. This better not go to voice mail. "Hey, it's me."
   I hear a loud thump followed by a totally put-on classy voice. "Helllllooo?"
   "Hey, Mike. It's me, I-"
   "You said that."
   "Yeah, I know, but look, I need your help, doofus. Sorry I'm calling so late and all, but I could really use some help with my next plan."
   Loud groan from the other end. I literally don't even want to know. "Another scheme? Really?"
   "C'mon, Mike. I need your help, you're my right hand man."
   "Mmkay, fine." Munching noises. "What is it?"
   "It's just I'd like to-" loud slurp. "Are you... are you eating a sandwich? Right now?"
   "I'm hungry, okay?"
   "Whatever. Anyway, make sure you can hear me just fine. I'm going to do some kind of trendy commercial to advertise how "in" our new jerky, ketchup, and cheese pizzas are-"
   "With a side of Twinkies."
   "Right. And I think you'd be just the guy for the job."
   He fake gasps. "Really? Me? Why I'd be honored!"
   I give my millionth eyeroll and sigh of the day. "Want the job or not?"
   "Hmm, depends." Of course, he wasn't going to make this easy.
   "Fine. Take all the time in the world. I'll just be giving myself a concussion with how many times I'm facepalming."
   This earns a laugh from him.
   "Anyway," I continue. "It's your choice. We got rough times ahead, obviously. And I think you could really use the extra paycheck, Magic Mike."
   "No, just no."
   "Oh? You don't want the job? Well I guess I'll have to give it to the new guy, who by the way is super attra-"
   "I meant the nickname, but wow. Ok. Good to know you always hit on your employees. What dirty thoughts have you had about me?"
   "Zero. Fat chance, pal."
   "And yet I'm Magic Mike. Girl, you don't have to deny it. Just tell me I'm the most magical-"
   "Yeah, I'm hanging up now before I'm forced to fire you. I'll take that as a yes on the job offer. See ya."
   I decided not to even bring up the fact that I'd listened to him inhaling a sandwich over the phone. So, I put the phone down and leaned back, rubbing my temples.
   Tomorrow would be a big day.
   Still, as I heard the final MCR song of the night play, I knew I recognized that voice from somewhere I'd heard it recently. In the past day even. One of many customers, perhaps? I couldn't place it at the moment.
   And then, my whole body relaxed and everything was dark. Ah, sleep. So this is what euphoria feels like.

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