Chapter 5: In Hiding

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   I think all of the staff thinks I'm insane based on how happy I am today. I smile as I dance around the kitchen with anyone willing to dance -or with their hands too full to stop me- and Gerard. I remember their faces when I'd greeted them with a smile that wasn't directed at their pain. Yes. I'm a monster, sue me. (No pun intended.)
   I remember how happy Sue seemed when I'd yelled, "Who's ready to work their butts off?"
   This, of course, was followed by a groan from Jerry and Mike. Gerard remained silent, but smiled when he saw how happy Sue was. Or maybe how unhappy Mike and Jerry were. Maybe, just maybe, he's a monster, too. Ha, just kidding, but anyway...
   We were having the best day ever making pizza. (I know. Work being fun, crazy, right?) We started out just rolling dough and singing along to the music while the others took orders, then we began to dance a little bit when we started filling the orders, and soon it was an all out party. I was halfway waiting for the boss to come in and yell at us to knock it off, or to get back to work... or quite possibly, tell us that we're fired.
   Ironically, though, we'd made a whole ton of progress. We'd made more pizza in an hour than ever before. This could be because I'd gotten out of the office and helped the team, but I'd also like to think it's because of Gerard that we'd had this kind of change. Everything was different now. A good different.
   Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by everyone throwing their opinions at the boom box we had plugged in on the counter.
   All I caught was: "Wow, that sounds just like you, Gerard."
   I looked at his expression. It was sort of an "Oh, crap" type of thing, but hey, I could be mistaken.
   The song ended soon after and everyone was silent, their eyes trained on the thing as the radio announcer began to talk about it.
   "That was "The Black Parade", one of the most famous, and well known songs by the band "My Chemical Romance." As most of you know, they're currently missing their lead singer, and lyricist, who goes by the name of-"
   Suddenly, Gerard yanked the plug on it. He let out a nervous laugh and ran his hands through his hair.
   I watched the scene unfold before me. I had a feeling that something very strange was going to come out of this. And then it did...
   Sue cracked a joke, sort of. "You're a great singer, Gerard. Bet you could fill that spot right up if you wanted. They wouldn't have to miss their front guy anymore."
   Everyone gave half hearted, freaking nervous chuckles, as Gerard slowly set the boom box back down and plugged it back in. I did notice that he changed the station, though.
   Weird. However, not worth confrontation. I got to work on the dishes for a couple minutes, distancing myself from him to watch him from a ways away. However, he soon traded out so that he could come do the dishes, too.
   I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I wasn't too sure about small talk. And I lost my natural flow -once again glad Mike can't read minds- of things to say. We ended up washing dishes in an actually pretty comfortable silence.
   "So," I say finally.
   "What was up with the boom box thing?" I ask. Honestly, it had been on my mind for awhile.
  "What about it?"
  "You went kinda crazy for a second there."
  "Oh," he smiles slightly. "I wouldn't say that. I just knew that if they kept showing songs by that band my favorite one would come on and I wouldn't be able to stop singing."
   I smile. "Really? What's the lead singer's name then, by the way?"
   "Uh... Frankie Ray."
   "As a fan, do you think you know where we could find him?" I decide to ignore the really uncomfortable look on his face.
   "Uh, maybe. I gotta go to... bathroom... yeah."
   "Uh, alright. See you in a couple." What was that all about anyway? We were just talking about that band. That band... it has something to do with this. It must.
   I made a mental note to check into it later as I finished up on the dishes. Just then, I heard the door chime and went up front to check on how every one was doing.
   When I saw who was coming in, I quickly turned and retreated back to the kitchen in haste.
   "Uh... duck duck duck." Yeah, I don't cuss much, okay?
   "Goose," Jerry exclaimed, almost smacking into me in my run for my life.
   "Shut up and get back up there," I mutter. I catch his wrist without turning around. "And send them away," I say through gritted teeth as I return to the kitchen.

Gerard's POV

   I exited the bathroom after a few minutes. I actually really did have to go. But what I see when I leave the bathroom scares the crap out of me. Yep, I'm going back in. I duck back in and sort of look out through the small crack I leave for spying. It's them.
   I see Tee scurrying to the kitchen. Does she even know them and how dangerous they are? Does she know they're here?
   They make their way to the counter: 3 men in suits and ties, dressed to depress. They surge up to Sue, who stands tall, and Jerry, who shrinks back and starts sweating profusely. For once I agree with the guy. He still looks funny, though.
   With a glance to Jerry, Sue knows to take the lead. She attempts a smile at the men. "What can I get you?"
   "We'd like to speak with your employer," the man in the front, who I know as Doug, replies.
   "So no pizza, then?" Jerry asks.
   "We," Doug begins in a snooty voice. "Are higher ups here at this small, mediocre establishment."
   "Well, not here really. Obviously," the other chimes in.
   "Shut up, Thomas. What do I always tell you? I talk, you-"
   "Don't," the other man snaps, turning back to Jerry, who stands alone while Sue goes to get Tee.
   A couple minutes later, Tee is back up front looking extremely nervous. She must know them. Why? And what do they want with her? I'd assumed they were here for me.
   I watch as the two men in the back hold out their arms to her and she reluctantly links hers with theirs.
   "We'll only borrow her a moment," the front guy assures Sue.
    Sue nods stiffly. Even the staff seems to know there's something not quite right. However, knowing Sue, she believes her job is in jeopardy. And Jerry is simply disregarding it. As for the others, I'm not really sure.
   I do know what I need to do though: talk with my boss. The real boss of this "small, mediocre establishment." I can tell we're going to be needing each other's help really soon.

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