1: Visiting Day

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This story is an intense story that is 70 chapters plus an epilogue long. I once had it posted on ff.net years ago before their new rules, and since then it's been off the internet. Well, I am bringing it back. I am not just copy and pasting it though, I am slightly editing it due to grammar problems (and the distinct need to add !!! everywhere when I was younger. I am also adding notes for the story as well to make it easier to follow, and if I can I will insert music where relevant.)

Anyhow, buckle up. I hope you enjoy this incredible adventure. I might pick up the pace if interest here picks up, but I have a lot to do this summer, including finding a job, so we'll see.

Start iiiiiiiiiiit, Nurse!

Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. 

"Sign in. Date, name and time."

Scratchansniff signed in to see a special maximum security prisoner. His hands were a bit shaky but it had nothing to do with his nerves. Dr. Scratchansniff was older now, getting older every day. He had retired completely from his profession five years ago. He had been a great doctor, one of the best in Los Angeles. He had even been considered one of the best in all of America in his younger days. He had no regrets and he had been pleased with his work.

Except for three clients, one of which he was now seeing.

Scratchansniff followed an escort slowly. Everyone down here is so evil looking. He looked around himself as he continued onward, hearing the slurs and cruelty being spat out of other convicts mouths at him.

"Yo doc. Think I need a check up? Who's your daddy, huh?"

"Get a little closer ya old geezer. I'll rip your eyes out and shove them down your throat for the pure thrill of it."

Scratchansniff kept following his escort as he heard more crude and horrendous things. He had been told before he came in not to talk to anyone and to ignore the comments. They were not easy though. All of the inmates here had life sentences or were on death row.

"Don't ignore me doc. What if I was a patient, eh? What if I was one of your fucking psychotic patients too, huh?!"

Ranting. Raving They were horrible. Still, Scratchansniff went on. He was growing closer to his destination. It had been at least ten years since he'd been there last. It was not an easy thing to get admittance into. He continued to walk with the guard by his side. He was about to visit one of the most ruthless, inconceivable, unimaginable evil creatures in all of the country. So horrible, it did not even have regular jail bars and it was surrounded by impenetrable glass. There wasn't even a single opening on the outside except a small box that swished in and swished out, and three small holes smaller than each of Scratchansniff's eyepieces.

This creature was one of three involved in what was known as the Burbank Studio Slaughter. More than 50 people were killed that day, by having their skulls crushed with mallets or chopped in at least two with a hatchet. The gore and the blood that day was embedded in the doctor's memory forever. He had seen the aftermath and was one of the few to first hear the deadly screams. The pools of blood everywhere, the severed parts scattered about.

Scratchansniff was face to face with one of the monsters, one of the infamous killers who had tainted the reputation of Burbank forever.

Scratchansniff gave a polite smile to the absolutely horrendous abomination to society . . . who was currently playing paddle ball.

Scratchansniff had to grin. He had no clue what happened that fateful day, and no matter how many years passed by, he would never believe the small amount of evidence he saw. Never. The Warner brothers and their sister may have been crazy, kooky, and sometimes completely insane, but they were not insane. "Yakko?"

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Where stories live. Discover now