Chapter 45 Part 1: Wakko's New Home

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Author's Note: I originally separated these out in the early days into a part 1 and a part 2 for several chapters so it was easier to parce what would be on To keep it from getting confusing, I am going to keep this original format. Usually, a Part 1 is Wakko's Part (which didn't appear on in 2007 when it was first put up) and Part 2 was, with of course some censoring on the story.

Mainly it was because I didn't know how violent it would get at first, but I didn't want to be limited, and also I wanted to focus on mainly one character (Yakko) because there is already a lot to keep up with here. So, following Wakko, I wanted to be an option. And personally, I'm glad I did it. Wakko got his own moment to really shine.


Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Forty-Five Part 1: Wakko's New Home

Wakko woke up some time later in a chair. All of his energy was drained. He tried to make out his surroundings but his vision was so blurry.

"This will be perfect for you. Yessiree." A warner lady smiled sweetly at him. "Those look great. So much better than your old blue shirt and red cap. Now, let's march on. It's time to show you your new room." Wakko felt himself being dragged away again. By the feel of it, it was probably the same two hairy creatures from before. "And over there is where you'll play games. Yes, see. This place is fun, fun, fun." The warner lady grinned at him as she pointed out certain areas. "You'll always be fed such fabulous meals too. Yes you will, absolutely. This place, it's like a personal resort. Only, you don't pay."

"Please, somebody get me out of here!"

"It's really great." The warner lady continued to smile, apparently not caring about the scream that was just heard. "Up ahead just a bit more, Sweetiekins. Yep, you'll be so happy here. We give you everything you'd ever want. Fun. Games. Food. Everything."

Wakko's vision was still too blurry. But he did get a good view of his new floor as the vicious guards carrying him tossed him in abruptly.

"Now you be a good guy here and you'll be treated very good." The warner lady smiled.

Wakko heard the sound of all the feet walking off. He groaned. "This isn't good..." A few minutes later, he started to feel his strength return. As his vision stopped being so blurry he started to look at his surroundings. "...oh." There was no other word for it, as Wakko started to stand and look around. He knew where he was. Yeah, he knew. He'd had a good view of it while he was helping to rescue the other aliens on Dr. Fay's ship. The glass-like interior all around. The white shirt and white pants he was feeling on him. And seeing observers walking up and down the halls on the opposite side.

Wakko pressed his hand against the glass. "I'm an experiment again?" He thought about the things they had just done to him. "They did that to Dot? This is where she was for 10 years?" He felt like gagging. She never made it sound like that. She always said they never hurt the kids. That all the experiments were emotional. Well, that needle in his side wasn't just emotional. He banged against the glass. "This isn't funny. Let me out of here!" He felt around himself, but he already knew his wacky sack was long gone. Even if it hadn't been though, it would take two warners with his biggest mallet to break the glass just on the outside. The inside was even harder.

He stopped banging. 'Okay. Calm down, Wakko. Yeah. Yakko won't let me stay in here. He and Dot, they'll find a way back to me. They will. Besides, it can't be all that bad. Dot survived in here. Yeah. Everything'll be fine.' He tried to grin. 'I can do it. It's just like prison, nothing different. They'll come get me before I know it.' He looked at the two cells on each side of him. One held another warner like him, and a girl warner on the other side. He trotted over to the other guy warner. "Hi. My name's Wakko."

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