Chapter 32: Candy and Colored Rainbows

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty Two: Candy and Colored Rainbows


(These represent the voice in Tiger's head.)

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.

////These always represent things that happen in the past.////


The Den...
One week later...

Dot smiled and watched Aroma carefully. She would be having the new baby very soon, you could tell. She also knew Aroma was scared. What would happen?

Aroma was moving much slower, her nervousness very apparent. She held Enchantment closely to her.

"Here, I'll take her."

Aroma looked back at Yakko. She looked around. The ancient wasn't around? "Why?"

Yakko gently took Enchantment from her. "Uuuhhh...'cause your shivering like a leaf?" Yakko joked. "Don't worry Scented, I can hold her."

Scented again. Aroma sighed. "Alright. Have you seen the others?"

"Have you seen a bed?" Wakko asked her as he walked up. "You're almost due, aren't you? Why don't you lay down?"

"Soon. I just want to see the kids." Aroma replied.

"There's plenty of time to see them later." Zenny smiled and came over by his sister. "Come on sis, let's go relax. Okay?"

Aroma finally gave in. It would probably be a good idea to relax before the time came.

Dot walked over to Yakko and giggled. "Excited Yakko? You're gonna be a daddy again."

"Ooh, so thrilled." Yakko grinned sarcastically. "Number 4, I am truly touched."

"Perhaps in ze head." Scratchansniff walked over to him. "Family is a very important-"

"Very important thing that I should embrace." Yakko said dully. "I know, I know. You've only said it a thousand times." He was always a bit put off when Scratchy cut him low. Always showed him how much time really had gone by.

"This one'll be different though Yakko." Dot smiled at him. "You're gonna be there when it's born!" She clapped her hands in excitement. "You'll see it's tiny little hands! And it's tiny little feet! And it's tiny little ears! Oh, and you'll hear it cry for the first time!"

Yakko gasped. "Oh my! You're right!" Yakko faked his excitement. "Oh, I have no idea how emotional it will be to meet my kid as a baby instead!" He looked down at Enchantment. "Oh, nevermind." He grinned knowingly.

"It's not the same." Dot frowned as Yakko started to laugh. "It's not. It's not, Yakko. You'll see. When Zenny Junior was born, my mother instincts kicked right in!"

"Instincts? Instantly? Instinctively instant instincts?" Yakko smiled.

"Well, I felt them while I was pregnant too, but you know...oh you'll never get it." Dot sighed exhaustively. "Who am I kidding? You just don't get it, and I don't know if you ever will."

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