Chapter 31: Dreamy Flowers

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty One: Dreamy Flowers


If the letters are in caps LIKE THIS. It means Tiger is just remembering parts of the old recording.

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.

////These always represent things that happen in the past.////


The Den...
Two days later...

Tiger smiled and enjoyed the cookies. They were good.

This time, Aroma caught his smile. She was grinning and picked up Tiger. "Tiger? Are you smiling?"

"Yuh-huh!" Tiger grinned. He felt more free than ever! "I feel better now that I don't eat those cookies."

"Cookies?" Aroma was a bit confused, but she still had to smile. "What cookies?"

"These cookies." Tiger gave Aroma the Peanut Butter Pecan's he had been saving. "I didn't eat any yesterday or today, and now I feel better."

"The cookies Journey gave you?" Aroma frowned. After eating 'special' cookies for so long, she knew what the taste of tampered cookies was like. "Can I have one?"

Tiger gave one to her.

Aroma took a small bite out of it. She stirred it around her mouth. Then, she frowned as she noticed the funny after taste. It was light, but it was there. "Bad cookie." Aroma quickly ran over to Dot. "Dot? Will you taste this?"

Dot smiled and took the cookie. "Why?"

"Just a tiny taste. It's not my imagination, is it?" Aroma asked.

Getting the hint, Dot only took a little bite. She frowned. "That's not a regular cookie. Where'd this come from?"

"Journey." Aroma growled. "Or should I say Dr. Fay?"

"She gave him a 'special' cookie?" Dot asked in disbelief.

"Not one, look." Aroma handed the bag to Dot. "There's over four cookies in there still. Tiger quit eating them yesterday, and look at him now." Aroma grinned at Tiger. "How do you feel Tigey?"

Tiger grinned back. "Me? I feel grrrrr-eat!" Tiger laughed. He didn't understand why he had acted so weird before. Why he had felt so lonely, why he kept hearing the recording over and over in his head. It was obvious his mommy loved him no matter how he looked. Caress still loved him, he was her big brother. Yakko might hate him, but lots of others loved him.

"Look at him." Dot grinned as Aroma handed him to her. "He's almost back to his regular self."

Aroma clapped her hands. "Yes. He cracked his very first smile today."

"A smile? I'd say a grin." Dot rubbed Tiger's nose. "You're getting better, Tiger."

Tiger laughed. Yeah. Finally getting better. 'My friend was right! Those cookies were bad. Momma said so. I knew he wouldn't lie!'

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