chapter 8

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Jeremy's hospital room
Jeremy woke up in the middle of the night the day after Michael had been discharged to see another boy, who had long brown hair and altogether had a "fuck you, fuck all of you" vibe radiating from him, being hooked up to the monitors in the bed beside him.
Jeremy watched as the nurses left and then turned to see the mystery boy more clearly

Holy fuck that's Connor Murphy. Jeremy didn't know many people at school, or out of school either, but he'd seen him at the school's GSA meetings at school that he went to for Connor. Because I'm straight. Yup, that's me! Straight as dry spaghetti! Defiantly not gay! Nope nope nopeity nope nope not me! Why would I be gay? Jeremy realized he was just staring directly at Connor and decided to see if he was awake, and he saw the boy's eyes flutter open.

"Wha-who the fuck?" Connor muttered, looking at the shorter boy.
"I'm Jeremy Heere" Connor scoffed, interrupting him,"and you'll have to deal with me for a few weeks because I'm your room mate or whatever you wanna call it.
"Oh!" Connor said as he had a revelation"you're that kid, the one who saved his boyf-"
"We're not dating"
"Riend in the fire" he looked at Jeremy with a mischievous glint in his eyes,"if he visits you more than once every twenty four hours in this room, then you might want to think about it." And then he quickly shut his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Oh yeah, we're going to get along fabulously Jeremy thought as he glared at Connor in annoyance and decided he should probably at least try to get some sleep in the uncomfortable bed

★time skip to morning★
Jeremy was woken up suddenly for the second time that day, but this time by a smiling face lightly shaking his shoulder.
"Michael!" Jeremy said as his eye's opened, knowing that the Mell family were the only ones who cared enough to visit him.
"Hey Jere! Was it absolute agony to spend longer than twelve hours without me by your side?" Michael asked as he leaned closer towards Jeremy's face and placing himself right next to Jeremy's hand lying next to his body.

Jeremy's face transformed into a beautiful crimson color that only got deeper the closer Michael got to his nose. Michael did this weird thing sometimes, where he would see how close his face could get to Jeremy's without touching it. Jeremy didn't get it. But one time he accidentally touched his nose to Jeremy's and he was blushing continuously for a week.

Oh my god Jeremy just fucking KISS ME PLEASE OKAY I DONT CARE IF CONNOR IS WATCHING JUST GRAB MY ASS IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? Michael mentally freaked out and tried to give him cues, but he was more clueless about Michael's crush on him then Harry Potter was to Sirius and Remus being in love.


That clueless

But while Michael was trying to control his gayness, Connor was watching it all unfold. He raised an eyebrow at the two teens and blatantly started at them while Michael managed to look so in love and Jeremy just looked so, so, so clueless and happy. It was painful to watch the two interact even after just watching them for only a few minutes.

Okay yeah I'm trying to make sense of this too just wait okay also I'm making my brother listen to George Salazar and he may or may not hate me now

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