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Next Day

Eun, and practically everyone else, couldn't sleep last night. They just thought about their crimes being released and Baekhyun's death. The memories of those people and what happen those days came to mind. Eun closed her eyes and could hear his voice.

"Eun, I am really glad that my dad decided to let me stay in Korea. That means that we can be together." Johnny, the nickname she gave him, held her hands and smiled down at her. She laughed and rubbed the top of his head. Eun really did like Johnny, but one thing led to another and he died. She remembers looking down at her hand that evening seeing his red blood all over her. Tears falling down her eyes as she picked up his body and regretted everything that just happened. 

The reason why she wasn't caught was because no fingerprints were found on anything, there were no surveillance cameras, and the court said that she was not guilty. Jongdae was the lawyer she tried to higher, but apparently he was on another case at the moment, and she was unable to higher him. At least that is the fantasy that she created. 

The real reason to why no one was caught was because no one knows. Johnny's father actually disowned Johnny, but the child never told Eun. She used her book smarts to get rid of all of the evidence and bury his body. She did so in the mountains, where the two happen to be camping. Deep in those woods, till this day, hikers find a mound of rocks with large rock that has a J on it.

Eun just sat in her bed with her legs up to her chest. Someone died last night and no one knows who killed them. She was sitting in a house full of murders, but couldn't show that she was afraid. Eun was worried that if she showed one sign of fear and weakness, they have an excuse to kill her. Especially Kyungsoo. How did he know what to do to hide all the evidence? Eun only knows because she has done it before, and wrote it in all of her stories. 

"Eun! Breakfast is ready!" Eun stared at the door that Chanyeol's voice came from. She sat up and walked over to the door. Chanyeol stood there with bed head. He smiled down at her and clicked his tongue for them to get going. "So, are you really a fan?" He asked the question while looking down at her.

"Um, yeah. I always listen to your music." Eun blushed a little since she was meeting one of her favorite artists. 

"Thanks. By the way," Chanyeol turned to Eun before entering the kitchen. "Don't think about last night. It's just nonsense that you shouldn't think to hard about." Chanyeol rubbed her head and walked to the dining table. 

Eun tilted her head and walked in. 

Chanyeol was actually afraid of everyone. They were all murderers and Baekhyun died suddenly last night. He hid his fear with a smile and staying his cool self, but was actually so afraid he could cry. All night he struggled trying to get the wifi and signal back on, but it was no use. On the entire floating land mass they were on, there was not one telephone post. 

He did his search and hunt all night that he didn't even get any sleep. Although with fear and his life on the line, it really didn't even matter. 

Chanyeol did want to get close to Eun though. The only problem is that she killed her boyfriend, and she may be one of those Black Widow killers. Ones that kills her boyfriends. Chanyeol wondered if he became her boyfriend if she would kill him. That was his only fear. 

Eun had no feelings for Chanyeol other than the fact that she liked his music.

Chanyeol pulled up a chair in between Sehun and Eun. That gained a glare from Sehun and he turned away. Chanyeol took a note to watch his back and to never go to high places with Sehun. Chanyeol looked down at his hand and thought about last night and his flashback to that day. To the day that he killed Yoongi, and his friends blood all over his hands. He shook his head trying to ignore the horrible memory.

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