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Eun woke up in the king bed just cold. Her head pounded from all the crying last night and her face swollen. Xiumin was in the bathroom doing his hair and fixing his shirt.

"Look who came back from the dead." Xiumin laughed with his joking words. He came to realize what he said, but gave up trying to argue back.

"I do not think that is an appropriate thing to say, speaking of the conditions we are in." Eun rolled herself out of bed and walked towards the window. In which she could see Sehun still sitting at Kai's grave and Chanyeol throwing a ball at the wall. "There are six of us left."

"Back to even numbers." Xiumin rested his hand on her shoulder. Eun felt embarrassed, blushed, and moved his hand away from her. With a nervous sigh, Min-seok continued with his thoughts. "Who do you think is next?"

Eun felt frightened with Xiumin words. "Min," The young girl called him by the same nickname she called him by back then. Why was Min-seok thinking of the next person? They really should just be focused on trying to catch the killer.

The only problem with it, is that it ends with a dead end anyways. "Min, I think I have an idea to how we can pinpoint the killer. At least attempt to." An idea that she once put into one of her books came to mind.

"Okay, so you wanna try it out?" She nodded her head. The two of them agreed to get everyone together in the kitchen for a discussion on what was going on. Eun was in charge of getting Kyungsoo and Yixing. Xiumin in charge of Sehun and Chanyeol.

Eun ran down the hall to the doctors room and swung open the door. The weak doctor jumped in fear and stared at the girl. His shirt half way on and jacket laying over the bed. "We are all meeting in the kitchen for a discussion. I recommend you come." Yixing nodded his head and followed the girl out, putting his jacket on in the meantime.

Eun knew exactly where Kyungsoo was, since she could see him from the reading nook. He still sat on the roof with his eyes closed. It was a place Kyungsoo could be alone and enjoy his "vacation," or what was left of it.

"Kyungsoo." Eun swung open the window that almost hit the boy. "Come down to the kitchen." The only words she spoke and shut the door. Kyungsoo really did frighten her, but today she was finally going to get some answers to what was going on.

Everyone met downstairs and sat around the table. Eun grabbed a notebook and pencil from the reading nook and wrote everyone name down in it. "Park Chanyeol. How many people have you killed in your lifetime?"

All eyes were on the red head. "One. I have never killed anyone, that is unless you add all the people who are my rivals and internally die when they hear my music." He smirked at his words, but when no one did anything back, he went back to being serious.

Eun wrote it down in her book. "Oh Sehun. How many people have you killed?" Everyone got a sign of what she was doing.

"One, excluding all the women who die when they see my gorgeous face." Everyone scuffed at the model and rolled their eyes. "Just the one." Sehun then grew a serious tone once more.

"Dr. Zhang Yixing, how many?" Run asked the words while she continued to write.

"One, I guess." Yixing still didn't believe he fit there. He didn't kill Yifan; he just didn't pick up the phone at the right time.

"Kim Min-seok?" Eun was a bit afraid of  asking Kyungsoo, but just rolled with the punches.

"One." Xiumin really did feel bad for killing Hoseok. He didn't mean to. Plus all Xiumin is, is a marshmallow baker. Nothing more or less.

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