
21 1 3

A/N - The next few chapters will be short. Sorry. Also this is a fast chapter, so yeah. Enjoy!


This chapter is the last chapter in Min Eun Mi's story. Her brother's death that was before her didn't bother her. She pretended she didn't have a brother since they were half siblings. She even lived with her brother's murderer recently, but didn't show him that they could have been related.Even if she was secretly a fan of his music. Min Eun Mi, didn't care.

"Eun. Eun!" Xiumin yelled her name at her. Eun rolled in her bed and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and stared at the elder. "It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Let's get going." He walked out her room and let her be.

"You sound like my father." Eun mumbled the words as she changed into some sweatpants and a large t-shirt. Eun stared at the scar on her stomach and traced the lines. She laughed to herself thinking about Chanyeol's words. 

Eun still felt guilty for Kyungsoo's death, but knew that it was necessary. At least she tried to think that. 

While walking out her room, she looked down at the gun on the nightstand and thought about different possibilities that could happen. She normally kept the gun with her, but hasn't for the past three days. Out of caution, Eun put the gun on her back, under the rim of her pants. 

Eun walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where breakfast was already made. Xiumin patted the seat across from him for her to sit. Eun walked over and sat down, she took a bite of the kimchi and smiled. It reminded her of home. 

"I would like to talk to you." Eun nodded her head. "I've known this for awhile, but wanted us to be in private with no other ears to hear us."

Xiumin looked down and swallowed. He inhaled a deep breath and then looked back up at Eun. "Eun,  who is the killer? I know you know." 

Eun's eyes widened. She stared at Xiumin feeling betrayed. He read her book, but Eun has never trusted a guy, so why should she trust one now. "Yeah, I do. Out of deduction and observation," Eun became confused on what she just said. "I figured out who the killer was." 

Eun glanced over at the two china figures. "Then tell me who it is." 

"Neither of us, but at the same time, neither of us can live." Eun spoke the words and sighed. She played with her chopsticks.

"Why?" Xiumin asked the question. He slipped a piece of kimchi in his mouth. 

"Because, that's not how the story goes." Eun took out the gun and placed it between them in the middle of the table. Min-seok was taken back, and just stared at the gun. "I don't want you to die. You're my friend." Those words punctured the boy.

"Eun, I'm not going to kill you." Xiumin picked up the gun and held it to his head. "I want you to live." He closed his eyes, prepared to shot himself, but was caught off guard when Eun grabbed the gun. 

She held the cold tip to her forehead, and held Xiumin's hand tightly. Eun smiled at him and felt for the trigger. Xiumin tried taking his hand back, but Eun was stronger than he was. 

"Eun, please." Tears welled up in his eyes as Eun just smiled at him. 

"Close your eyes." Eun tightened her grip. "This is just a dream. Just one bad dream." 

"E-Eun." Tears fell down Min-seok's face. He was in pain and Eun could tell. "But I love you, and I can't let you go." 

"That's why you don't have too. Just close you your eyes." Min-seok listened her her. He could feel her hand tighten up a bit more and then the sound of a gun. Min-seok could feel the ricochet feeling of the gun and Eun's hands fall. He slowly opened his eyes to see Eun lying on the table dead, blood seeping through her brain. 

Xiumin went over to her and held her body. He cried out in pain and hated himself for not trying to react more to what was going on. He hated himself for allowing her to kill herself without fully discussing the subject. When he looked up for a second, a figure in a dark hood watched him through the window. He wasn't in the mood to bother with the figure and turned back to Eun. 

After around ten minutes, Xiumin buried her body, tracing out 'I Love You' on the top of the mound with ruby red roses. The rest of the night, Xiumin sat at her tomb. When he went back inside for a marker for the stone, he noticed one china figure left on the counter. 

Xiumin laughed to himself. "Yep, just me." Xiumin cleaned the gun, returned it to Eun's nightstand, and then walked back to her grave. Sitting there for the rest of the day and night. 

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