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Rookie Jin-young ran up to his superior waving the letter in his hand.

Detective Seo In Guk stared at the tomb stones and stared at Eun's book. The same book she read she actually used as a journal to talk about everything that happened.

"The last person to die must have put that on her tomb. Ten people go missing and are all found here dead. Isn't that wonderful." Leaning over Eun's tomb he stared at the flowers that spelt out, I Love You with red roses. His hands tensed up as he gripped the book harder. 

"Detective Seo." Jin-young handed the letter to . "It is written by the killer. We just didn't come in time." The rookie felt guilty since he has the case of finding the missing people, but here they all were dead.

The case was given to Detective Seo, but he still had the rookie as his number two for the case.

The letter read:

"Dear Detectives,

Through my entire life, I have met a bunch of different people. People who I learned information about and never told, I guess that is one thing you learn from gossip.

I learned about these ten people's life. Each person commits a crime that they did not pay the price for, and that is something that should be noticed. I noticed. So, I decided to do something about it. After investing this piece of property from my family, I made a 'murder Island.' A place where everyone who got away with murder can pay for their sins. A place that my first trial group called Hell, which worked out because I decided to call it Home of Everyone Living Long. A nice piece of irony in my little game. 

So, now I shall tell you each person's crimes and how I decided to kill them.

First, there was Byun Baekhyun. Poor Mr. Byun was the first person to go on the first night. The young make-up artist had no idea what was coming for him. My first thought was to poison him, but I decided to put a bit of fear into everyone by starting off bloody. Mr. Byun was a makeup artist that used a makeup that had poison within it. This lead to him murdering her and not being caught. So, the first night, I stabbed him twice in the back and cut his neck. The knife I decided to use for him can be found in the flowerpot inside of the house, next to the front door.

Second, Kim Jongdae. A lawyer that manipulated his forms. My guest didn't get to know him fully, but Xiumin did connect with the boy fast. Kim Jongdae sent an innocent man named Luhan to death-row. To make him pay for his sins, I made sure everything around him reminded him that one way or another he would die. The lawyer got fed up with guilt and fear, that he eventually shot himself thought the head. His gun was then taken in by Min Eun Mi.

Third, Kim Jongin. The model who calls himself Kai, was the one who came up with the name of Hell. I do have to say, he was the hardest to kill. Kai' s records can be found in the top drawer of his nightstand. This explains his crimes. Each member of the household has this in their rooms. I wanted to just beat the model to death, but when I was certain that I killed him, he still fought back. This caused me to gain a cut on my lip, but good thing I know how to cover up scars. Plus, the one time Eun Mi did notice the cut, she didn't say anything. Eventually I stabbed Kai in the back twice to end his life.

Fourth, Kim Jun-myeon. He is the one who figured out the concept of this island. From the books Crime and Punishment and And Then There Were None. As a child I read both of those books and grew a strong fondness of the stories. Eun was the first to make the connection between And Then There Were None and my little Murder House, but it was Jun-myeon who made the full connection. Even if the child didn't tell everyone that was in the house. CEO Kim fell asleep while in the tub and I threw a hairdryer in it, electrocuting him. Opening the window, I allowed the room to air out a bit. Eventually I left without being seen.

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