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Xiumin walked by Eun's grave, placing a red rose across it. He felt a large anchor of guilt and pain, but knew that it would be over soon. That soon he would die. He was all alone and there was nothing else to do. All Xiumin did was look at Eun's grave and clean up the kitchen. He refused to eat, drink, or even bake anything. He just was waiting for his death to come. 

"I know you won't let any of us survive. I know that I am the last one, so I am to die next." He laughed a nervous chuckle and walked to the kitchen.

"So, how am I dying? Huh?" He felt like he was going crazy, but let the crazy continue. There was no use fighting death.

"I don't want to fight you. In a way, you're my friend." He slowly walked up the stairs of the mansion. Looking at every detail on the walls and railing.

"WHY WON'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!!!!" Xiumin turned around on the stairway and yelled the words at the top of his voice. A tear fell down his face and he wanted to just die already. "Why can't you just kill me? Why did you make me live through that?"

"Because, I needed you to get attached." A familiar voice spoke the words. Xiumin looked down the stairway to see the figure. "Sorry I am late. I've been busy."

Xiumin laughed and brushed his hair back with his hand. His footing was secure on the stairway. "So, answer my question then. Since you are here now."

"I don't want this to be bloody. I already sent the letters to my next victims. It would be a shame to have them freak when they see all of this." U.W.D gestured to the house. They laughed and rubbed their mantel. "I just want to get this over with."

"Same." Xiumin felt dizzy and almost like he was going a bit crazy. I am crazy. Min-seok went to step down on the step, but tripped, falling down the stairs.

He groaned when he got to the bottom surprised he didn't break his neck. The killer got tired of waiting and grabbed his head. Dragging the limp body to the kitchen.

The oven happen to be on since Xiumin was baking bread. The two of them stopped at the kitchen. "I will give you a choice. This is the only time I have given anyone this choice."

"Either you jump off the roof into the backyard, or I throw you in this oven." U.W.D. smiled.

"Why give me a choice?" Xiumin spit at them.

"Because you survived this long." They brushed Xiumin's hair and smiled down at him. A smile that Xiumin would always remember.

"I choose my own hand." Xiumin laughed. At that the killer dragged Min-seok to the roof.

The wind was blowing and the air was crisp. Xiumin laughed a bit, which made him gain a demanding 'what.' "I forgot to put the marshmallows in the fridge to cool." He then broke out laughing.

"Just jump. I need to start heading back to Seoul to finish up some stuff." The killer groaned at the slow victim.

At that Xiumin passed out and fell off the building straight onto the shed in the back. The killer promptly went down and hurried his body next to Eun. Placing flowers on top and tracing his initials on the rock.

"It doesn't look the same like the others." The killer sniffed. "Huh, oh well." At that they finished the letter and left.

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