chapter 22~ can't help myself

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Lins bags were packed and in your car to take him to the airport. the airport was a little ways away so you blasted hamilton and all three of you were practically screaming the lyrics to sculler sisters. Lin was angelica, I was Eliza, and pip was Peggy. It was amazing how a three year old could remember those lyrics.

your POV

we got to the airport and I helped Lin with his bags while carrying Pip. we got to security where I couldn't go any farther and Pip wouldn't let go of me but I told her "honey, Im going to miss you so much but you have to go with daddy now. I will see you very soon" I she got down out of my arms and I kissed Lin and said " goodbye babe" I could see tears form in his eyes and I wiped them off his face and said "Im going to miss you so much Lin" he hugged me and said "I'm going to miss you too. call me, send letters, FaceTime. its going to be okay" I nodded and hugged him and Pip one more time and then I walked away.

I fell to the ground crying and I eventually I got up and went home. that night I didn't sleep much and then I went to work and --------- said to me" _______, you look a wreck" I said "I have to go back to New York. I can't stay here" he looked at me and said "wait what" I said "I can't leave my daughter and my husband again. I love it here, I really do but I have to go"

1 week later

Im on a plane to new york and I arrive back home. I walk down broadway and arrive at my actual home where my family is. the elevator opens and I see Lin cooking some food and talking to Pip and he makes eye contact with me and drops his cup and we run to each other and he kisses me and said "what are you doing here" I said "I missed you too much. I couldn't help myself.

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