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The two men circled around me, their fists raised. I kept my fists raised as well, tucked against my chest. My eye stung from their cheap shot moments ago, wishing I had been paying better attention. I guessed it was my fault for enjoying my meal of sludge instead of watching the other inmates around me. 

The dim lights flickered above the cafeteria, revealing the horde of inmates that were now watching Rezik and Vince as they circled me. I didn't expect anyone to come to my aid, but I still didn't like being the center of attention. I was a lover of shadow, and the deception it allowed for. Being a thief and all, I preferred living in the shadows. 

Rezik and Vince weren't like that at all. And they hadn't appreciated when I had beaten them to the last blanket in our prison block. In fact, I was sure other inmates were silently cheering those guys on because they had a grudge against me as well. 

I guessed it was my loveable character that made them all treat me so. They couldn't handle it, I figured. 

"Scared yet, little boy?" Rezik crowed, and Vince laughed, right in line. 

I shook my head, feigning offense. "Little boy? My my, Rezik, you do need spectacles. I'm just past twenty seasons!" I scooted a step back as Rezik's fist flew towards my face, barely dodging. "I suppose it's to be expected though, at your age," I continued, enjoying this far too much. 

Okay, maybe I didn't always prefer the shadows. If I had a chance to make fun of Rezik, then I wasn't going to pass that opportunity up. He had taken it upon himself to terrorize me ever since I was moved to this hole of a prison. He acted like the head warden of the inmates, which was hilarious, since he was sentenced here for life. He would die in this hole. 

I, on the other hand, only had ten years left. Still a mighty long time, but not forever. And sometimes I wondered if that was why Rezik took it upon himself to torment me. 

So caught up in my astute thoughts, I almost missed Vince as he made an approach. I feigned left as he stepped forward, and swung around his outstretched arm easily. I grabbed his arm and wrenched it behind his back, twisting until he moaned. 

"Hanif... puh-please!" He cried like a child. 

I ignored his plea, ready to snap his arm. However, I couldn't finish the move before Rezik was on me. He grabbed my shoulders, and I stumbled back, almost losing my balance. I spun around once my feet were steady and slammed the side of my hand into his neck. It struck squarely, and Rezik's eyes bulged as his hands flew to his neck. 

I shoved my foot into his gut, sending him back into a worn table, scattering discarded dishes and cups. I smirked and eyed the crowd, not missing the guards who lingered at the edges of the room, their hands at their swords. 

I turned back to face Vince, knowing my time was running out. But I didn't care. It wasn't every day that I was allowed to put these scumbags in their place. 

Vince was still cradling his sore arm against his chest, and didn't try to approach me. But I wasn't done with him. I took a step forward, cracking my knuckles just to psych him out. I pulled back my fist, sucking in a breath before I hit the man.

But before I could let the punch fly, a vise-like grip grabbed my wrist and shoved me back. Startled, I was unable to react as the same fist made contact with my nose. Shooting pain echoed up my face behind the cracking of my bones. Blood sprayed from my nose as the man shoved me back against the ground. 

I stumbled, wiping a hand across my nose as blood poured from it, trying to get my hands underneath me. Pain splintered my side as a boot connected with my ribs, sending me spinning onto the ground with a thud. I coughed, trying to peer through the pain to see this man. 

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