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This plan would be the end of the Empire. There were so many things that could go wrong. Horribly wrong. But what choice did I have? With time racing against us, we had to explore other options.

And this option would probably get us all killed. But compared to the rest, it was the best scenario. And when I said best, I really meant the least likely to go horribly. Which wasn't comforting in the slightest.

"We can't trust the future of this kingdom to such a man!"

My thoughts faded as I blinked and took in the scene before me. I was in the council room with the other Virtuosos and the Anax while we tried to come up with a solution to Maxim Brevil. No one had liked my plan, and I wasn't even given a chance to explain it before they were all arguing.

I had fallen silent while they argued and debated amongst themselves on all the ways my plan could go wrong, but now I spoke up. "What other choice do we have?" It was the only valid point I held to my plan. We had no other options, and without knowing when Brevil would strike we had to be prepared as soon as possible.

The others in the room fell silent to my words, considering. But it was the Anax who spoke first. "This wasn't what I meant when I said find someone qualified."

"I'm aware of that, but he would be the perfect candidate for this mission."

"He will betray us!" Misa, a Virtuoso with the ability to manipulate the winds, spoke up. Her high, lilting voice was filled with worry as she tucked back a strand of her silver hair.

And the dam broke again, all the voices vying for attention, trying to make themselves heard. The sound grew and grew until I was ready to scream at them all to listen. Instead, I sighed and leaned my hand into my hands, my elbows resting on the sturdy oak table.

"Quiet! Everyone, be quiet!" Arisia's calm and yet commanding voice rose above the noise. Everyone quieted and turned to her in expectation, some of the gazes frustrated. Mine was one of thankfulness, and she sent me a nod to say she understood.

"Endana has a point," Arisia held up her hand to stop the flood of arguments that threatened to break forth from the others, "and she hasn't even finished her plan. Instead of arguing like a bunch of children, why don't we quiet down and let her finish?"

"Fine then. Finish telling us your plan," Reichin said, leaning forward to face me with an expectant gaze.

I directed my stare right back as I spoke. "He will still be held accountable. Just because we are sending him without an escort doesn't mean he will have the chance to run away."

"And how do you expect to keep him accountable?" The Anax asked.

"He has a sister. She lives in a western village only a day's ride from here."

"And what makes you think this sister will keep him accountable?" Misa pointed out calmly.

"Because they are family. And I think that will matter to him," I said, my tone just as calm as hers.

"But you don't even know him," another Virtuoso pointed out. "How can we be sure--"

"We can't," I cut him off. "But like I said before, we don't have any other options. And this could work. Kanika doesn't know him, and he's made his living this way for years before he was caught."

For once, a barrage of arguments and protests didn't meet my words. Everyone considered the plan, even the Anax who's face was stone. His eyes were hard as he considered my plan again.

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