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I was in my study when Rashid returned. I didn't bother to look up when he entered and stopped in front of the cluttered desk. I still hadn't had the time to sort through the information from my last gathering, and things were starting to pile up.

Rashid, to his credit, didn't speak. I knew he was there as I finished the parchment I was scanning, but he could wait. After all, he worked for me.

Once I had finished the paper at my leisure, I set it down and peered across the desk to my adviser. His unshaven, scruffy appearance showed me he had come straight here with whatever news he was carrying. The rumpled, stained clothes and scuffed boots were obviously travel worn.

A light smirk graced my lips as I clasped my hands together. "What news have you brought me, Rashid?"

As if flickering to life, Rashid's spine went rigid. He managed a small bow and tucked a loose piece of his tunic into his trousers. "My lady, I rode all the way here from Burrowhaven to bring you this news." Well, that explained his appearance. Burrowhaven was a good four days ride from here. It was a scant little city, and better named the City of Thieves, as it had been called by the Guild for many years. The whole place reeked of miserable souls.

I sniffed, as if I could smell the horrid smell all the way from here. "I need not know of your ride, Rashid," I said, a sneer replacing my smile. "Tell me the news." It was a command, and one he knew better than to argue with.

Rashid nodded, somewhat frantically, much to my amusement. The man never ceased to fear me, as I wanted. "Maxim Brevil has returned," he said plainly, but I could tell he was desperately trying to keep from trembling.

No matter. The news certainly was worth the wait, as I had suspected when I sent him out weeks ago to not return until he had an answer as to why the Guild had gone silent. I hadn't heard from the others in over a month, and it worried me. I knew it could only be one of two things, and neither option was pleasant.

This was the better of the two options, by far.

"The Guild has summoned everyone for a meeting," Rashid added, and my gaze snapped to his once again.

"You are dismissed." I rose from my seat as he scurried for the door, his long legs almost tripping over the lush carpet.

"And Rashid," I said, halting his steps, "Prepare my horse."

With a curt nod, he left and I was alone to prepare. The papers on my desk forgotten, I turned down the hall of my home. It had been decorated in deep blues and silvers, to match my own personal taste. I couldn't stand any color that resembled light. It held too much of the pain I made sure to keep hidden at all times.

The deep wood of the carved banister was smooth beneath my fingertips as I ascended to the second floor of my home. A heavy, dark crystal chandelier swung above my head, casting shadows on my face and arms.

The second floor of the estate was designed in a similar way to the first, with dark wood lining the walls and deep blue paint in between. The rich carpet muted my booted feet as I turned down the hallway lined with bedrooms and baths. I only used one bedroom and bath on the second floor, but that didn't keep me from designing ten others.

My own bedroom greeted me, neat and elegant in a way that reminded me of my own personality. Everything was in order, and gleamed with power. I had enchanted the chandelier hanging above my silken bed to cast dark stars upon everything while I slept, and provide dim light in the morning.

The deep blue of the bedspread and the curtains was flecked with grey, similar to the sky at midnight. I loved it.

I unlaced my boots at the edge of my walk-in closet, tossing them to the side where they tumbled and righted themselves against the wall, a wisp of magic trailing after them. The loose shirt I wore was a state of comfort I only allowed myself when at home. Otherwise, I wore snug fitting leathers, perfect for fighting while they also accentuated my figure.

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