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Hey everyone!!

Again thank you so much for reading my work, I'm glad I have all if your support!!! I didn't write for a while bc I didn't feel like many people were reading the last chapter so I was a little down about that but then I realized, the book must go on! (o゚▽゚)

I really have loved all of my fans and especially those of you who really comment a lot, your comments make me very happy honestly ╰(*´︶'*)╯♡

I'd love to get interacting with all of you and I would really love some feedback and even some criticism (go easy on me plz) or your opinion on everything!!

I just wanted to tell you that when y'all leave like comments and stuff I'll try to interact with you guys throughout the story because your comments are all so funny lol. Also, like I said I just want to know what you're all thinking and know that everyone is reading so I can feel encouraged to write more (๑-﹏-๑)

One more thing, I wanna see how popular my OCs are amongst y'all so I wanna see how this goes xD

Comment on which you like best!!

- Yuyan (。・ω・)ノ゙

- Hisui ( ・ิω・ิ)

- Kiyoko (๑ˇ3ˇ๑)

-Johann ฅ'ω'ฅ

P.S. - I know I make a lot of spelling errors, I swear I'm not illiterate I just type really fast and I never proofread for mistakes ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ plz ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ with me (get it? It's a bear)

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! ♡♡♡♡

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