A New Hope

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Hisui's POV

Yuyan threw a giant fit when we got back to Konoha. She's really angry at everyone and she won't let anyone visit her in the hospital except Kiyoko because she did nothing wrong.

I've never seen her quite this angry with anyone or at anything. It was actually surprising since no one had ever witnessed Yuyan so enraged that she would refuse to speak to anyone.

She was always the sweetest person, but I guess I didn't know her that well anymore because of all that time we spent apart. She probably went through some really rough shit, but I never got the opportunity to sit down and talk to her for long enough to ask her what happened while she was held by the Akatsuki or what happened with her mother or anything like that.

I failed her as a friend, we all have. Everyone expected her to stay strong and not have a single thing against us, but we've all hurt her and some of us have betrayed her and she must feel so lonely thinking she has to carry all those burdens on her own.

Unfortunately, we never gave her a reason to believe that we could carry them with her.

What Sasuke told us really got to me, and it's a guilt I've been carrying with me for about 10 years. That day when we failed to retrieve Yuyan from the clutches of Orochimaru and Danzo and the fact that we never told anyone or exposed Danzo for the things he had done has haunted me to this day.

As an Anbu captain, I've had multiple successes and very little failures. But the mission that mattered the most, that could have gotten us out of this mess, is the one I ruin.

I sat on the Third Hokage's stone face and just thought about what a pathetic failure that mission was and how I should have exposed Danzo long before he took Shisui's life and forced Itachi down a path of loneliness and darkness to which there was no redeem.

"What did you ever see in me old man?" I spoke out loud.

The third always told me how much potential he saw in me and how much I had been growing. He said I was a natural leader and a gifted shinobi that would rise to greatness and inspire others. He had big dreams for me and I had no idea why.

No amount of success could ever make up for that single failure. Nothing could ever make up for it. One million successes wouldn't do it justice, because they would never bring me back my friends and never bring Yuyan back her happiness.

As I was up there, Sakura somehow found me and came with some big news.

"Tsunade-sama is awake now!" she panted, it takes a lot of effort to get up here.

"That's great! I'll catch up with her later."

"She actually wants to see you right now, I've been running across the whole village spreading the news and looking for you!"

"Why does she wanna see me?" I was lazy and unmotivated to go talk about my failure again.

"Not sure. Kakashi-sensei is there and a couple other people. She wanted to talk to you about a couple changes that are going to be made after hearing about Danzo's passing."

"And why do I need to be there? I'm just an anbu captain?"

"Stop asking so many questions!" she yelled, Sakura can be scary at times. "I spent all this effort looking for you and I am not going back to Tsunade to tell her you don't want to go so either you go or I push you off this cliff!"

I knew she would do it so I just got up and the two of us began walking to where she was being cared for. I was anxious to see what they would talk about, they're probably going to appoint a new leader of the anbu forces and it'll probably be Kakashi.

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