And Suddenly...

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Hisui's POV

Yuyan has been a little weird lately, especially with me and especially Kiyoko. It's like she can't look at us in the eyes or something and maybe tries to avoid us.

I'm saying this is weird because after a couple of days of being couped up in her apartment, she asked Kiyoko and I if we wanted to go get something to eat which was a little strange.

"What do you think she wants to go for?" Kiyoko asked.

"Not sure, I think it's about Itachi or something maybe she might tell us more..." I looked at her and that same gloomy look crossed her face again. "How are you holding up?"

"Remember when Itachi first brought Yuyan to Konoha?" she changed the subject, "even though she was much younger I was a little jealous that he paid so much attention to her."

"Oh I know you were, every time he was with her you'd just stomp your way home," we laughed, "but that was before you met her huh?"

"Yeah, I just didn't understand why he would spend so much time with a child other than little Sasuke."

"To be honest, I wasn't so thrilled when the Third told me to train her, I thought it would be a waste of time until I found out she had crazy talent, she basically learned everything I taught her within a couple weeks."

"Yeah no kidding, I taught her everything I knew, the only thing she never mastered was my own special technique, she said it was too hard to focus," Kiyoko laughed.

"Okay that I understand, even I couldn't get that and I come from a family of renowned medical ninja," I said indignantly, Kiyoko was the only person who could master it because of her perfect control of chakra, it basically bent to her will.

"It's okay, it's still a mystery to me too. But anyway, we got pretty off topic didn't we?" she smiled, Kiyoko was always so beautiful.

Don't get it mixed up, I don't like her though, she's just my friend. I know how all you fans can get.

We finally arrived to a small open restaurant where we saw a small head of white hair, I still couldn't believe her hair was so short. After having it long since she was little, it was kinda weird.

"Hey little one!" I pat her head, he awkwardly smiled. She looked more like a little kid with this hair style.

"H-hey guys," she stayed with that same smile.

"How are you Yuyan?" Kiyoko asked.

"Umm not as good as I want to be doing I think."

"Why's that?"

She sighed and started moving her hands around, "I want to tell you two everything. About all my time being held hostage in the Akatsuki, and about Itachi."

We looked at each other and nodded, not very confident of hearing what she had to say however.

She first took us on a trip to say her relationship with all the people in the Akatsuki and it surprised me that these murderers were kind enough to look out for Yuyan and treat her like their own, guess everyone has a soft side. After explaining that, she told us about her relationship with that guy Johann which I subconsciously did not like until I found out what sacrifice he made for our Yuyan, after that I had a great amount of respect for the shionobi in Kirigakure.

I felt bad for what she had gone through, having fall for this guy who seemed really great only to have it taken away as soon as she got it.

She began to tell us how Itachi had always looked after her and was kind to her and that's how she knew he wasn't the criminal everyone thought he was. The stories she told us made us laugh and filled the void his sacrifice had left in our hearts. But all of this left us with nostalgia, joy, and sadness most of all.

"He cared about all of you and I know he thought of you every day," she looked to Kiyoko, "and he still had feelings for you. I'm positive of it."

She blushed and looked down to her plate sheepishly. Kiyoko seemed happy, but I know she was sad knowing she could never have the person she truly loved and knowing there had been nothing we could do to save him.

The time went on with Kiyoko and I recalling stories of when we were together on a team and when we joined anbu, but things went downhill after that unfortunately.

We went on tons of missions and although we were just a bunch of kids, our names were recognized by many and our peers acknowledged our strengths. Those were some great times. Whenever we got a chance, Shisui would join us on missions and those were the best of all.

"Itachi talked about the two of you a lot. He would bring things up at random times or say how something reminded him of you two. Whenever we were outside, he said the flowers reminded him of you," she smiled at Kiyoko. "And whenever I did something stupid, he said I was acting like you!" now she turned to me, I sweatdropped and Kiyoko laughed. "He said if anything you two were the people he really wanted to apologize to and see one last time, I'm glad he did."

"We are too!" I slammed the table and stood up, as did the other two.

We ate well and talked well, so all was well amongst us I suppose. When I walked outside something felt a little...weird? Something was off even though it was a beautiful day and everything was great literally five seconds ago.

"You feel that?" I asked the two girls who were finished hugging.

"Hm? Feel what?" They questioned.

The hairs on my arms stood up and I felt chills all over my body and the air was cold. Like a ghost had just passed over me.

Suddenly, Yuyan's necklace given by Shisui began to glow a sort of pink color and a look of terror washed over her.

"We're being attacked! Konoha is being attacked!" she panicked. "Evacuate everyone quick and tell Tsunade!"

Before we could react, four giants from the sky descended above Yuyan.


"They're my summoning animals calm down Hisui!" Yuyan yelled.

"Akatsuki are here!" a large, white, majestic dragon informed, "Yakami is hurt!"

"Protect the village! I'm gonna go check on her!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Kiyoko yelled as we started running towards the Hokage's building when suddenly a giant centipede looking creature appeared in front of us.

It set its eyes and began to crawl towards us, very spooky. "U-umm, Kiyoko I don't think that belongs to Yuyan."

"I think you're right!" we dodged one of its attacks and began to scram away from it, but it trailed behind.

Before it could attack us once more, a brown dragon basically ate its head off. "Do as Yuyan-sama said! Inform everyone, we'll be right behind you!"

"This is bad," I panicked inside, everything was so sudden, something felt totally wrong about this. It was as if there was a cloud of impending doom over the village of Konoha.

This was the day we had been waiting for.

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