Chapter 6: Safe...for now

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I haven't said a word since we left Zane in the other room. He's just carrying me through many corridors. It resembled to a hospital here. Everything was white and there were no windows, or paitnigs or such things.

"We are here"

He opens the door and puts me in a grey couch and locks the door. I don't know wether to trust Damien or not, but being lock with him in one room doesn't make me feel at ease.

"Don't worry, I won't let him get to you"

Don't really know what to say. Should i say something? I feel so scared, but can I tell him that with out endangering myself?

Damiens dissapears in a side room and I wonder what he's going to do.

"Here, put these on"

A look at the pile of clothes he throws in my lap, kinda confused really.

"Don't worry, there's a bathroom over there", he points to another side door, "I just thought you might want to clean yourself up"

I manage to smile, this is so sweet.

"Thank you", I whisper while walking to the bathroom.

Oh god how I enjoy something as simple as hot water dripping over my body. It had been since I was kidnapped I had a chance to clean myself up. I ruffls through the bottles that stand in the shower, in the hope to find soomething non chemical. Yes, he has organic shampoo.

He even layed out fresh towels. He' so kind. I can't help but think that there is an alternate motive behind it. I put on the fresh T-shirt and shorts, and fresh underwear ofcourse.

"Lena, are you alright in there?"

Damien is worried apparently.

"I'm fine, give me 5 more seconds"

"Owkay, take your time"

"Are you feeling any better"

I nod nervously biting my lip.

"Now.....what do we do?"

"I'm gonna find some people to help me keep Zane away from you and you", he pulls at my arm, "Need to get some proper sleep"

Before I even realize he pulls me to the giant bed standing at the other side of the room, pushing me down in one swift movement. Why do I feel my heart take a leap and shake at the same time?

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you", he whispers quickly pulling himself up.

" didn't scare me. I was just taken by suprise"

Wrong chose of words Lena.....why do you need to say taken?

"I'll let you get some sleep"


Is he going to leave me here? All by myself, without any protection?

"Where...where are you going?"

Damn, he's walking over to me again. Lena... you would have never been in this situation if you would have shut up! Me and my big mouth...

"Don't worry. I'll lock the door and make sure that it's guarded", he smiles putting a string of hair behind my ear, "Are you going to be alright?"

I bite my bottom lip, I feel terrible scared but I can't tell him.  Maybe I'll get a chance to escape when I win his confidence. So nodding it is.

"Good, now get some sleep"

And so he leaves, leaving me to my own.


"I'm really going to kill that bastard!", Damien breeses to himself, "To want a young girl like that"

His fingers glide over his cellphone.

"Hello? Laurens? I need a favor"

Damien explains the situation Laurens. Laurens has always been his best friend, so he knew he was worth his trust.

"Thank you"

Damien takes in some deep breaths, knowing she was safe soothed him.

"Goddamned, I'm really going to kill Zane, for bringing her here! Maybe I should take this to the olders...NO! they would surely give her back to Zane. Gosh this is already getting way to complicated"

Damien pushed open the door of his room, to find Zane laying smirking on his bed.

"Back already my brother? Hid her far away from me I hope"

"Shut up Zane! We need to talk"

"Now do we? And about what would this conversation be?"


Damien regretted lashing out to his brother, he knows that Zane does it on purpose.

"You kidnapped an underaged girl, that's something worth talking about isn't it? Why did you bring her here Zane, for heavens sake why?"

Zane sat up straight again, pearing into his brothers eyes.

"Listen Dam, she's biologically well fit other wise I wouldn't have taken her"

Damien know that his brother was lying, he would have taken her fit or not. Once Zane had set his eyes on something....

"Don't worry, in time she will carry my babes with pleasure"

"Who says she will ever do that? You can't make her do it"

"She simply will, by will or by force"

Damien pears into his brother called and dead eyes, seeing the heartless bastard his brother has become over the years.

"Thank god, she's safe", he whispers

"For now....dear brother.....for now"

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