Chapter 28: It's Time for Harry & Louis

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Chapter 28

Samantha's POV

When I hung up on the phone. I didn't even remember why I was crying... I don't feel any pain anymore.

It is as if the voice of Harry just made it all gone away. Wait...


His voice shows so much concern and care, that not even Brent--- my good for nothing jerk boyfriend--- had show to me. Yes, maybe at first he did... but all of that went down the drain when we reached 3 weeks, he became distant and we even lost contact for good 2 weeks and when I went to go to his house to surprise him, I saw him exchanging saliva with a slut.

Thinking about all of this made me cry a little, not because I'm hurt that he cheated on me. I'm crying because I'm mad at myself for being so dumb.

Lily came by my side and hugged me. "Shh, its okay... just let it all out... its okay to cry..." she say comforting words at me while comforting me.

"I'm so stupid, Lily. I should've listen to you and Destiny when you told me that he's just using me." I said lookinh down.

"Don't say that. You're not stupid, don't blame yourself..." she said still hugging me.

"Well, who is the person to blame?" I asked.

"That asshole, he's so stupid for not appreciating your love to him" she said

"You know what?... you and Harry are both right" I said and she looks shock when I metion Harry... oh yeah, she doesn't know that I contacted Harry while she was running here in our apartment when I called her and when Destiny was doing the boys' makeup and hair.

"Harry?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Uh yeah... I called him, I was calling Destiny but she wasn't picking it up because she was too busy doing the boys' makeup and hair.  So I called Harry, and he--" I was cutt off by her squealing.

"He asked you what happened and you two finally realized how much you love each other" she narrated as if she's just imagining it inside her head. I giggle at her wild imaginations and cover my mouth once I realized that I just giggled at her imagination which she might be thinking that I want that to happen.

I just broke up with my jerk boyfriend!

I can't think like this about Harry... not now at least.

Harry's POV

We finished our concert with a surprise guests, which are no other than but the 5sos; the fans are very active tonight.

Niall was about to introduce Destiny as his girlfriend but Destiny begged that they should tell the fans in the right time and in the right place.

Looking at them, just makes me jealous.  Not because Niall got Destiny.  Because I want to have one of those kind of relationship, sweet, caring, and loving. I smiled at the thought of seeing that perfect girl for me.

Louis' POV

I felt my phone vibrated from my back pocket and I read the name of the person who sended me a quick text back.


I texted her earlier that I've heard about Samantha's breakup, asking if she's alright.

Lily: Yeah :( she's alright now... but she's still a little sad though. Please say thank you to Harry for me, I've heard that he made my bestie feel a lot better when they talked ;)  xx

Me: Will do, love! Btw, where will you be destined next week?  xx

Lily: Paris :)) City of Love! I've been there for 2 times already but I never had the chance to go the Eiffel Tower :(  xx

Me: Don't worry, love. We'll also be there next week for a week and we'll have some free time... maybe if its ur break we can...?  xx

I smiled looking at our conversation,  just one short text is enough for us to expand it.

Lily: Sure :)) I'll bring Sammie with me and bring Harry! xx

Me: Ofcourse! you know what I'm thinking? >:)  xx

Lily: Mhmm >:)

I can't stop smiling like an idiot! I'm totally into this girl! she's just amazing!

The whole conversation was all about our masterplan for our good mates until we both got tired.

Lily: *yawn* I'm getting tired... Goodnight Louis, sweet dreams xx

Me: Me too... Night Lily,  sweet dreams love *hug*   xx

SHIT! why do I have to put there '*hug*'  ?! what if she gets mad at me? I'm too sleepy to even notice that I did that!

I suddenly felt my phone vibrating. I'm scrared to even look at the message...

Lily: *hugs back* Goodnight Lou!

I was lovestruck... without knowing I'm jumping up and down on my bed like a mad man. I can feel my cheeks are heating up.... she said hugs back!!!

Aww, who am I kidding? that's just a text, she didn't really hugged me.

But what if she hugs me back in real life?


Hello Guyzz!

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I need some SHIPNAMES for Harry & Samantha, and Louis & Lily... if ever you have any ideas please just send me and I'll dedicate a chapter for you just give me ur username and ur first name :3

Please check out these stories:
"The NEIGHBORS" by myhappyhoran (completed) "Forever and Always" (sequel)
"Remember Me?" by myhappyhoran
"Sorry I'm not what you wanted" by yadontknowme56
"Chaos" by harrystwerkology
"Deep Secrets" by pixiedustyles

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Love ya all! :*

"Promise" by myhappyhoran


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