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♔Zac's P

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Zac's P.O.V

THE EARLY bird gets the worm, or the note in my case.

I was up and early, speed walking to the library as I eagerly wanted to read the note. This has become an more of an addiction than it was a habit. I could not go one day without a written response. Call me crazy, I could care less.

As I reached the library, I headed over to the same spot where the book was placed. The book stared back at me as I neared it. With rather clumsy hands, I grabbed the book and took the note that was hidden between its pages.

I began to read, my heart beating at an abnormal rate.

You're absolutely right. All this time, I didn't realise that I was pushing away the right people and letting in the wrong people. I'm really thankful for your advice, you're truly my guardian angel.

But I don't think my mission is done yet. There are still some problems I have to solve and people I have to deal with. Only when my task is complete, will I be truly peaceful.

And lastly, I think you are right about the last thing. Letting someone show you the love, even if it is a stranger.

You may not realise it, but ever since you started writing to me, everything has somehow become more magical. I'm glad to have let you in, stranger. You are truly a blessing.

I know this might not seem manly, but who cares, the person made me blush from her last words. Damn, I was not even a blusher to start with.

I pulled out a paper from my jean pocket and wrote onto it.

You made me blush and I don't think that's fair, stranger. But I'm glad that I was able to put a smile back on your face. I visualize you smiling when you wrote that last bit. Either way, I'm glad I made a difference in your life, in the same way, you made a difference in mine. You are also a blessing and I'm lucky to have found you, through a weird series of notes kept in a Shakespeare novel. :D

How about we talk sometimes, maybe over the phone? Here are my digits.

P.S. I'm not forcing you to call me. It's all up to you. No pressure.

I scribbled down my digits. Although I said that there was no pressure in calling, I'd love it if they could. Just to hear the person's voice, just once.

I placed the note between the pages of the book and crossed my fingers. I truly hopes they get this. Karma can strike at any moment.

Feeling in the mood for some music, I place my headphones onto my ears and play some electronic music. It always bring some peacefulness in me.

I step out of the library, wall down the hallway until I finally reach my locker. Stopping at my locker, I open it up and place some books back in it. My head still bobbed to the rhythm of the beat, enjoying the feels it brought to me. All of a sudden, my music stops as my headphones are pulled from my ears.

I turned only to face my ex-girlfriend, Monica. I'd never thought she would face me again after our breakup a few days ago.

My headphones are clutched in her death grip as she stares up at me in anger. Her other hand was clasped in a tight fist, her painted nails digging into her palm. Oh she was angry alright, but why did she have to grasp my headphones from me.

"Is all this true?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her, clearly confused at her question.

"What's true?" I turn away from her while pulling out some books from my locker for my next classes.

"That you dumped me, because you've been seeing someone else this whole time?" That totally caught me off guard. I turned to face her, whilst placing some books into my backpack.

"Firstly, I wasn't seeing anyone when we were together. Secondly, I am still not seeing anyone." Writing notes to a stranger is not considered as seeing the person, right?

"I want to meet her," she demanded, hands on her hips, as she starred at me. Gosh, she is such a drama queen.

"What don't you understand by I'm not seeing anyone right now." I grab my headphones from her and walk away. I don't want to be late for my next class.

"You don't want to show her to me. That's fine by me. I'll find her on way or another. Whether it's by hook or by crook, Zac." She yells from the hallway.

Students begin to look at the both of us, somehow trying to decipher what had happened. I didn't miss the hushed voices, as they gossiped about what they had seen.

Whatever they were gossiping about, I could care less.

I was in the Calculus class. My worst class, yet I only attended the class not to fail and feel sorry for my sorry ass in the future. The lecturer had still not arrived, so I pulled out my guitar and played to whatever song I could think of.

A group of girls began to form a circle around me, swooning constantly and clapping hands to the tunes I strummed on my finger tips.

It goes on for a couple of minutes, until everyone quietens down. Thinking the lecturer has arrived, I looked at the entrance, spotting the janitor girl strolling in.

The girls around me began to gossip, whilst the guys just stared at her like they've seen a girl for the first time. Jerks.

I watch her collect some dirt that lied on the ground.

"She looks hot for a janitor." Jimmy, a band member says, breaking me out of my trance.

"If she wasn't a janitor, she would be all mine at this moment." The other band member, Roger, proclaimed.

Jimmy wolf-whistled at the janitor girl. She ignored him and continued with her work.

Roger chuckled from Jimmy's failure. Jimmy has never been ignored by a girl, this is a first.

"She's gonna get it for missing out on a hamdsome fellow like myself," Jimmy said, looking rather bummed that a girl ignored him.

"You know, Zac, how about you show us what you got?" Roger suggests when he looks at me, nudging me playfully.

I looked at the janitor girl. Damn, I didn't want to do this, but disappointing my pals was the other issue. I didn't want everyone thinking that I was sympathizing for her.

Quickly finding a way out, I decided for something less painful. A better alternative.

"Hey, janitor," I called out. She shifted her attention from her work and scanned the class, until her brown eyes found mine.

This only made it ten times worse. But I had to do this, I can't let my pals down.

"We liked you better when you were dead." Everyone burst into fits of laughter, whilst Jimmy and Roger hi fived each other.

But I felt incredibly guilty. All I could do with everyone else was fake my smile and laughter, whilst the girl looked back at me, seemingly shocked and heart broken.

She doesn't utter a word. With velocity, she grabbed her cleaning equipment and ran out of the classroom. On the verge of tears, hurt and broken, just because I wanted to please my friends and all those around me.

"Serves her right. This will surely teach her a lesson for rejecting me. Good job man." Jimmy pats me proudly on my shoulder.

This was wrong, right?


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