[bonus: prom night]

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Lindsey's P.O.V.

"You ready, kid?" Uncle called out from downstairs. I felt really sorry now. He has been calling out to me for about thirty minutes and within that time interval, I kept telling him that I would be down soon. But I was still not down yet.

"I swear I'll be down soon uncle!" I yelled back, as I applied a bit of blush and some lipgloss for my finishing touches. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled to myself, the tears already close to tumbling on my cheeks. But I wouldn't cry; not today at least.

It looked impossible. The girl looking right back at me couldn't be me. This girl was beautiful, majestic, almost like she had descended from the heavens; too surreal. Damn, this was truly me.

"Lindsey!" Oh my word, I totally forgot about uncle.

"Coming!" I shouted out as I grabbed my purse. I put on my heels and slowly walked downstairs, making sure to not trip on myself. That would be rather embarassing.

Like the last time, I went shopping with uncle for the dress. And I'll be honest, choosing a dress for prom was the hardest thing I've ever done. Once I thought a dress had caught my eye, another one would and uncle would get frustrated. So in the end, uncle chose the dress for me. I was not complaining, I was actually happy, 'cause the dress was beautiful and uncle had great taste.

I reached the last step and stood in front of uncle. He was texting someone on his phone for a moment, but soon enough he stopped and looked up. Uncle's jaw dropped and he blinked several times.

Oh no, was there something wrong? I hope my makeup's fine. Did I accidentally rip the dress without knowing? Uncle's silence was worrying me as I began to check my dress and make sure that everything was alright.

"Is the something wrong with the dress, uncle?" I asked uncle. A cheeky smile made its way on his lips, before he replied with a confident 'no'.

"Damn kid, you look stunning," he said, a proud smile on his face. I saw the tears in his eyes, awfully close to tumbling.

"Aww uncle, don't tell me that you are gonna cry now," I went over to him and gave him a side hug. He embraced me back and pulled away, as he blinked the tears away.

"No, I was just sweating through my eyes," he lied. I knew that he wanted to cry, but I just smiled at him and decided not to ask any more questions.

"Thank you, uncle. I couldn't have done this without your expertise. I swear you choose the best dresses. From now on, you're going shopping with me all the time." I grinned and he shook his head in disbelief, trying to hide the ghost of a smile that wanted to appear on his lips.

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