[twelve: part two]

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♔Lindsey's P

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Lindsey's P.O.V.♔

"UNCLE, I'M HOME!" I entered the gates of the house. Usually I would be greeted with uncle working on his cars, but he was nowhere to be found.
Perhaps he was inside.

I made my way towards the house, opening the door to step in and plan everything for tonight. I'm about to call out for uncle when I see something. I gasp as my bag is forgotten and drops to the ground with a loud thud.

I place my palm above my lips, still a bit dazed about what lay in front of me. Sprawled out across the couch was a dress. A dress for the party.

"Who's out there?" I could hear uncle call from upstairs. Seconds later he appeared in the living room as our gazes met.

"Shoot. That was supposed to be a surprise," uncle murmured under his breath, but I could hear every single thing.

My vision had become a bit blurry, as I felt my tears wetting my cheeks all too suddenly. To my surprise, I went quickly walked up to uncle and engulfed him in a massive bear hug.

"Uncle, thank you, thank you, thank you." I squealed happily, which made him chuckle as he ruffled my hair.

"My pleasure, kid. Since this is your first party, I thought your old man could find you something a little special." He told me.

I let go of him, a wide blissful smile still plastered on my lips. I observed it from afar. It was truly mesmerizing.

"Can I touch it?" I turned around to ask uncle.

"Of course. It's all yours kid."

With those words, I carefully approached the dress. I still couldn't believe that uncle had bought me a dress. It seemed so surreal. This would be the dress I would be wearing to the party.

The dress looked too good to be real; to good for a janitor like me. My hand reached out to feel its luxurious material, but I quickly retreated. How would my touch not leave dirt on something so valuable.

But uncle's thoughts lingered within me. And I couldn't stop myself from asking, "Uncle, how did you do all this? How did you know that this dress was the one?"

In seconds he stood beside me and gently placed his hand on my shoulder, patting me in a gentle manner.

"Lindsey, when I saw that dress, I knew you would look beautiful in it. Your ol' man couldn't leave the mall without buying you something special. So I bought you this. It's yours and only yours," he whispered the last words, almost bringing me to tears.

My eyes lingered on the delicate linen material that made the dress. The dress had a soft, delicate sweetheart neckline with strapless shoulders and a lace-up back. The waist was adorned with diamonds, making the dress look rather elegant.

I took a closer look and only then had I realised it.

"Uncle, I know you did not buy this dress," I said. Gazing at him, I saw that his eyes were cast downwards, not meeting mine.

I gently placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it slightly.

I knew this dress too well. This dress was special. It was special to him as it was to me. It held some form of importance in both of our lives.

This dress belonged to my mother. The very dress she wore at her wedding. I'd only know of this through some wedding pictures I had since of her.

She looked beautiful, like an angel. Her glorious brunette hair that swayed like gold in the wind. Her chocolate eyes shone against the brightness of the day. Her full grin on her lips. She truly looked beautiful on her wedding day.

But I couldn't put my finger on it. Why would uncle let me wear something so precious? Something so valuable.

"Your ol' thought it would be best for you to wear this dress. It would form some sort of connection between you and mother--" he tried to explain but I stopped him.

"Thanks for letting me wear mom's dress to the party. I really appreciate it." I embraced my uncle in a hug, the tears threatening to tumble down my eyes. He did something so special for me, and I was truly grateful.

I carefully pull away and take a look at the clock on the wall. It was twelve o'clock but the party only started at seven in the evening. I had more than enough time to get ready.

Carefully, I took the dress from the chair and made my way upstairs.

It was six thirty when I had finished preparing for the party. I came downstairs amd uncle insisted that I looked different, almost similiar to my mother.

That almost brought me to tears, but I refused to cry. This was a happy occasion, I would finally be able to spend some time with Zac. Just the two of us. Alone and happy together.

"Have fun, kid, but not too much fun. And make sure that you are back by midnight," uncle instructed as he accompanied me over to the Uber take would drop me at the party and take me home.

"Sure, uncle. I'll be back soon, but promise me that you'll take care of yourself while I'm away," I told him, as I stepped into the car.

Holding the door for me, uncle bent over and peeked inside. "Don't worry, kiddo. I'll be good."

Saying our final goodbyes, uncle gently shut the door. In seconds we were on the road. I pulled out my compact and stared back at my reflection. My mask looked slightly slanted, so I fixed it.

I just hoped that Zac wouldn't recognize me at once. That could spell trouble for me and for him.

But I did not care. I was willing to risk it all, even for him.

A few more distances and I had made it to the party. I jumped out and told the driver that I would pay him after I return home. With that, I jumped oit of the vehicle.

The cool air immediately hits my skin, making me shiver. I wish I had brought something warm with me. I brought my hands around me and began to rub myself to make my arms a bit warmer.

"Looks like we arrived at the same time, stranger," someone said behind me. I jumped on the spot that I nearly dropped my purse.

Turning around, my eyes meet with familiar ones.

The one and only Zac.


Sorry for the extremely late chapter, everyone. Editing took longer than I expected. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have fun reading and love you all to bits❤❤

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