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♔Zac's P

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Zac's P.O.V

YOU KNOW how one says that Monday mornings are always the worst. This Monday morning was a nightmare for me. From the time I entered Hartford High, everyone looked my way, almost like I'd worn a 'Kick me' sign on my back. Some didn't even hesitate to throw their snarky remarks at me. But that was the least of my problems.

Last night's events were played like a broken record in my head. One thing I was dancing with the woman of my dreams and the next thing my dreams are crushed in front of me.

Jimmy and Roger even realised how withdrawn I was after everything that happened. They offered that I skip class and maybe have some band practise together. But I refused their offer. I knew that the music would help me relax and take my mind off things a bit. But that seemed like a mission impossible at the moment.

My mind seemed to be wandering back to Lindsey more than I wanted it too. I was hard to get her out of my system. Whenever I thought of her, I would see her hurt, her pain, her tears and it would always remind me that I had caused all those three things.

I guess I just spiralled out of control. I couldn't believe that she was actually the girl I was speaking to all this time. My anger just blew up when I saw her. I still can't tell why I did what I did, but I do know that I regret every single thing I did to her last night.

I was selfish. She was right about the fact that I was just like them. I broke my promise to her. I promised that oir differences wouldn't tear us apart; that no one would change my mind about her being the one. But I was wrong. Every single word that escaped my lips that night was I lie. She has the right to be angry. I wasn't her knight in shining armor when she needed me to be. Heck, I feel disgusted at how I treated her. I don't deserve someone like her in my life.

I walk down the hallway, making my way to my locker. I could feel many eyes on me. Turning back, I glared at those who couldn't seem to keep their noses out of other people's business'. They flinched and sauntered away from me. Seriously, these people had nothing to do with their lives.

Having reached my locker, I opened it and took out some books for my last three classes. I was in no mood to learn anything today. Going to class would be a bad idea, because I wouldn't concentrate. Plus, I needed to clear my mind a bit and think things through. So instead of heading to Mr Smith's class, since he was my first class of the day, I turned the corner and began to climb the stairs, making my way to the roof.

As soon as I reach the top, I walk over to the edge of the building and take a seat, my feet dangling off the building. I bent forward slightly and placed both my arms on my lap as I looked into the distance.

I released a sigh and took in the beautiful scenery before me. The wind blew at me, softly caressing my skin. The clouds floated in the air, all too slowly, causing me to wonder if the ever moved at all. Everything out here was so gentle, almost as gentle as Lindsey.

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