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Sunday, 21st May 2017.

To the woman who birthed me,

Today I got expelled from school.

But I'm sure you already know this information, since you'll be coming tomorrow to pick me from the dormitory.

I also know our nosy and gossipy principal must have filled you in on all the details about why I got expelled.

So now you know about my 'bullying' adventures in the dorms and how I have been labelled by those so-called teachers with their brains in between their legs, as a 'bad egg' to the prestigious Cornerstone High School.

But I bet you don't know why.

You don't know the reason behind my actions. It's not like you care anyway.

Samantha, the girl I allegedly bullied, is in her last year of Junior secondary and by next session will be in her first senior year. The class I'm in now.

Yet she acts like a goddamned baby.

Always crying her eyes out because she missed home and her 'mommy'. She's so pathetic and childish.

In fact, using your own word, she's acting like a 'potty'.

She let the junior students treat her like trash, she let boys treat her like a silly game.

All I did was show her how to be strong.

I wasn't even doing anything entirely wrong, this was how you raised me after all. I was only trying to help.

And for my help, I get an expulsion letter as reward. Perfect.

If there was actually anything wrong in my actions,  it wasn't my fault. It's all yours ma, all yours.

Anyways, like they say a curse could actually be a blessing in disguise. My expulsion means I'm coming home.

With high hopes in my mind that maybe you'll finally ask me that two word question that I've dreamt about for years now.

Maybe you'll finally ask me "what's wrong?"

And then everything would just be alright again.

Till I see you tomorrow mother.

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