chapter twelve

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Albus heard him crying, though he thought it was for a reason entirely different. He heard the quiet sniffles come from the bed beside his and could imagine his usually pale skin an irritated pink as his friend wiped furiously at his face, because Malfoy's don't cry. He heard it, but he was too afraid to do anything about it.

Would Scorpius want him to see him like this, or was it best to leave him alone? Albus wasn't sure, and it pained him because all he wanted to do was be there for his friend, but he didn't know how. He believed the two had had a great relationship, and could only imagine how horrible the breakup must've been, as he'd missed key parts to the argument that had taken place earlier that day.

Still, he couldn't bear the thought of Scorpius feeling alone. He quietly made his way from his bed, padding across the cool floor of their dormitory and opened his bed hangings, thankful the blond hadn't used a privacy spell to keep them shut.

"Scorp?" He asked, more so to make the boy aware of his presence than for actual conversation. He climbed into the bed and closed the hangings, pulling the blond into his arms and running his hands through his hair soothingly. "It's alright, Scorp. It's alright."

The blond sniffed again, burying his face into Albus' chest while the dark-haired boy rubbed his back and whispered soothing nonsense to him. Scorpius wrapped his arms around Albus' waist and pulled the two of them closer together, shifting himself so his face was now in the crook between the smaller boy's neck and shoulder.

"It's alright, Scorpius." Albus whispered again and the blond nodded his head, embracing the green-eyed boy as strongly as he could. It was more than alright, it was perfect. It was relieving.

When the blond pulled away, he had a smile on his face showing just how beside himself he was with happiness, catching Albus off-guard.

"You're not-"

"Albus," Scorpius spoke, quieting the other boy. "Albus, I'm free."

The blond's gaze met Albus', and then he was hugging the boy furiously, gripping him for dear life. It was over. He was free. He felt safe and without any stress. But he knew the moment wouldn't last, as he'd now revealed that he wasn't crying because of sadness: he cried tears of joy, and his best friend would be very curious as to how the blond was taking the breakup so well.

"I thought you liked being with Rose." Albus claimed and a series of questions formed in his brain - much like Scorpius predicted - as to why the blond was okay. "You've wanted to date her forever. I thought you loved her."

"I don't love her." Scorpius snapped, hoping he didn't sound like a menace, but his friend had the wrong idea. 'I love you,' he wanted to say, but he couldn't. "She was controlling, and I've been waiting for this day for a long time." He decided instead. Albus nodded understandingly; he'd seen the various controlling girlfriends James had had.

"Well then," he decided. "I guess you are free."

"I am!" Scorpius exclaimed, perhaps a bit louder than he should've, but damn it, he was happy. "Now I could be with whoever I want, and I don't have to live in fear. I'm free, Albus!"

"Have you got another crush, Scorpius?" Albus asked, taking notice of what his friend had said and finding the phrase questionable. He'd just gotten out of a relationship hours prior.

'You could say that,' Scorpius wanted to say, but instead he shook his head. "I just mean that... When I do want to be with someone, it'll be alright. Rose will no longer be there to control my every move."

"Oh, makes sense. But I was really worried about you today, Scorpius," Albus admitted. "You looked horrible at dinner, and then I find you crying in our dorm after everyone's gone to sleep? I didn't know what to think, but I didn't want you to be alone."

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