chapter fourteen

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They'd only been together a short time, but it already felt like a lifetime. Well, whether labels had been involved or not, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy had been Albus Severus Potter's for the past five years. Sure, there had been a few bumps in the road involving a few less than perfect girls, but in the end, it had always been each other that the boys turned to.

But good moments never last, and eventually reality must return, and that is what happened when the boys woke up hours later in front of the fireplace with curious eyes all staring at them.

Albus was the first to awaken, and he could do nothing but stare back at everyone due to Scorpius lying fully on top of him. He wondered what time they'd fallen asleep and blushed when the taller of the two let out a rather loud snore. The black-haired boy poked at his ribs moments later, and the blond let out a groan as he attempted to burrow closer to Albus, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Scorp, there are people." Albus whispered, and the blond's grey eyes opened slowly as he stretched his body and lifted his head to look around. Once the fog from his tired brain cleared, he jumped off of Albus nervously and sat with his knees to his chest as he looked at everyone's still silent and shocked faces.

"I totally saw this coming." One of the Third Year Slytherins claimed, a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest and her friends giggled.

"Albus?" Scorpius asked, and when the green-eyed boy looked back, he found his newfound boyfriend's lip quivering and a panicked look on his face. He sat up, and moved to sit closer to him, rubbing his back in soothing circles as he glared at the crowd.

"We're not some circus attraction, guys. Give us space." He snapped, pulling Scorpius closer to his body.

"Oh, just wait until your brother hears about this!" Bruno Holden appeared in the crowd with a malicious smirk on his face. He was already dressed for classes, as were most people, and it caused Albus to wonder what time it was. As he casted a subtle tempus charm, Bruno's cronies stepped behind him. "Haven't you heard of the No-Fag Policy in our dorms?"

"No, I haven't." Albus muttered and Bruno only continued to smirk.

"That's because it's starting now!" He spat, and suddenly Albus and Scorpius found various articles that they realized belonged to themselves were being thrown at them, and Scorpius' eyes went wide as the two stood to protect themselves.

"You've went through our stuff!" The blond stated accusingly and Bruno shrugged his shoulders, angering Scorpius greatly. He placed a protection charm over himself and Albus, and they began to pick up their belongings quickly while everyone continued to be bystanders. "Doesn't anyone care to help us?" Nobody moved.

As Bruno and his cronies continued to relentlessly attempt to beat at the boys, an eerie feeling settled through the room, and if the students hadn't been so focused on the accented antagonist, they would've noticed the drop in temperature, and a seemingly dominant change in air pressure. What happened next was so sudden that many students barely had time to scream.

The windows in the Common Room shattered and gallons upon gallons of icy water from the lake began pouring into the room, dousing the last few embers from the fireplace, and soaking everyone's feet as they attempted to scramble out at once. Albus and Scorpius, whose arms had been full, were the last ones out of the Common Room and as they looked back just before the lights flickered out, Albus could've sworn he'd seen a set of pale eyes staring back at them.


In the Great Hall, where students from every house had gathered due to the Slytherin's commotion, the headmistress, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat to draw everyone's attention.

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