Chapter 4

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I woke up early this morning. I wasn't really feeling like running into anyone this morning while I'm in my half sleep-half awake state.

I got a shower, blow dried my hair then I put it in a ponytail. I washed my face then brushed my teeth. I layed my clothes out that I was going to wear to school later. I was going for a run, because it helps to clear the air and my head.

I went down stairs to get some water then I headed out to the woods. I put my head phones in and started to stretch since it's been a long time since I've been running, because of everything that happened.

I started to run feeling the adrenaline in my body start to fill me so that I was running faster. The music that I was listening to was tuned out as I started to think about everything.

My legs began to move faster and my head was running with thoughts just as fast as my feet were hitting the ground.

Flashes and images from the crash started to make its way into my mind making me sad and then angry at the person who ran in front of my dads car.

Flashes of my dead mom, dad, little brother, and best friend got in the way of my vision. Then I started to see flashes of them smiling and having fun.

They were supposed to live. They were supposed to have a life even if that meant I didn't. I would rather I have died in that car crash and not have a life than for them to have died and I have a life. To have a life spent without them, all alone in the world with no one to guide me through it all.

I must have been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the person running in front of me that's until I slammed into them, falling to the ground.

I landed on top of them with a groan escaping my mouth. I jerked my head up to see who my pillow just happened to be. I saw a familiar blue eyes and dirty blond haired boy.

He looked at me and didn't look away. After a minute of getting our strength together we finally got up, dusting ourselves off.

I saw Liam looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I stared at him with my chocolate puppy brown eyes. I checked myself to see if I was wounded of anything.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really looking where I was going and I was lost in my thoughts and I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going."I said as he was smiling a smile that, in the first time ever since before the crash, made me smile back.

"It's okay. I was just running with my best friend Mason, who I left behind back there."he said kind of scratching the back of his head.

I was about to reply when a car came out and hit Liam making me cover my mouth in shock. I ran to Liam's side seeing to make sure that he was okay when the car door opened as someone stepped out.

It was Garrett. The one on the Lacrosse team. He had a knife. He stabbed Liam with it until he saw me.

"Your a lot of money, Amanda Moore."he said with a sick grin spread across his face. What is he talking about? He then came close to me and stabbed me too.

My eyes became heavy as I fell into unconsciousness.


Liam. I was running through the woods trying to get to him before he dies, but I knew that he wouldn't yet, as long as he has friends that won't stop looking for him until we find him.

When I got there I saw Liam about to slip so I grabbed his hand and helped him up. I caught him before he fell onto the ground. He was soaking wet.

When we got to the animal clinic I put Liam on a metal table, I was about to leave him so that Deaton could get the wolfsbane out of his system when I felt a hand grab my jacket.

I looked and saw that it was Liam. His eyes looked worried. And he was trying to say something. I leaned my ear closer to his mouth to get a better listen. What he said shocked and worried me.

"A-Amanda. She was out there with me."he said as I stormed out the clinic and going back to the woods to look for her. Garrett could have done anything to her or with her.

I was running through the woods when I smelt blood. I saw something blue catch my eye. I walked closer to it. I started to run as I realized what it was.

Amanda. I slid next to her, picking her up. I was listening to her heart beat, but there was nothing. No beat. No slow rhythm. Nothing.

I stood up with her in my arms carrying her. I was taking her to the animal clinic. By the time I got there Liam was awake. I was hoping he was out for a little while longer.

When I walked into the room everyone was in they all looked at me with wide eyes as Deaton cleared another metal table for me to put her on.

When I set her down, she still wasn't moving or breathing. I then noticed that she was covered in blood and I saw a cut in her shirt. I looked and saw that it was the same cut that Liam had when Garrett stabbed him.

I swear, if Garrett wasn't dead by now then I would have killed him myself. I saw Liam enter and then his eyes traveled to Amanda.

He went over to her, looking at her, and then grabbing her hand, putting it in his own. I saw his eyes watering. I knew they were close, but I didn't know that they were this close.

"I don't want to keep watching people die."I said telling the truth. I was getting mad. These people think they can just write us off? Killing us one by one without any of us doing anything about it? No.

"I'm not sure you have much of a chose about that."

"Maybe I do."I said looking at Liam still holding Amanda's hand as I saw a tear run down his face.

"That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott."Deaton said finally speaking up for the first time since I got here.

"I don't care. No one else dies. Everyone on that list. Everyone on that Dead Pool. It doesn't matter if they're wendigos, or werewolves, or whatever. I'm going to save everyone."I said being strong for Liam and everyone else since I am the Alpha, I have to act like one.

I stopped talking as I head another heart beat, but that's strange. It was coming from Amanda. I frowned, as did Liam as he stood up looking at her body just laying there motionless.

"What? What is it?"Derek asked looking at us for an answer since he doesn't have his super hearing anymore.

"I can hear her heart beat."Liam and I said at the same time. We all looked at Amanda. We heard a small gasp come from her.

We all looked at her and each other shocked. How is that possible? She was just dead a second ago. I saw her eyes open while a small gasp escaped her lips.

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