Chapter 10

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Song: Help Me Out - Maroon 5 & Julia Michaels


We were putting Peter into the van when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Amanda. I smiled.

I went to hug her, but it was like I went right through her. I looked at her again as my smile disappeared.

"I guess this means good bye. I'll see you next time."she said smiling at me with that smile that makes me want to melt on the inside that I could practically feel it come out of my ears, eyes, nose and mouth.

"What do you mean? What's 'good bye?'"I asked as she rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Stiles didn't tell you yet?"she said. I shook my head saying 'no.'

"Well in order to save you. I had to stay behind. And I had a big cut in my stomach and it wasn't healing. I was just slowing Stiles down and they would have killed you if I hadn't stayed behind. And I died. I guess that this is just my ghost saying good bye."she said with tears in her eyes.

She was starting to make me cry. So, what does that mean? That she is dead, because of me? This is all my fault. She's dead, because of me. What am going to do?

"Find me. Find my body. There's a note for you in the right pocket of my jacket. I'll be gone for a while, but that doesn't mean that you have to not be happy. I want you to be happy. Live a life full of love and share it with someone who will love you back the same way I did."she said while pointing to Kira.

Kira is beautiful, but not as beautiful as Amanda.

I looked back at Amanda, but she was gone. My vision was now focused. I looked around at everyone, seeing as they were preoccupied. I walked back into the church, going through the halls looking for Amanda.

When I found her she was pale and there was dry blood on her clothes. Tears were in my eyes, but I failed to let them fall. I tried listening to her heartbeat, but there wasn't one except for the faint one beat per minute.

I moved a piece of hair that was in her face behind her ear. Her skin was pale, her eyes had dark circles around them, and her lips were purple.

I picked her up, but then put her back down. I looked at her state. I was thinking of a possible solution of how to save her.

The idea I came up with was stupid and might not work, but it's all I have and she's dying anyways.


I walked out of La Igiesia carrying Amanda in my arms. I don't know if what I did was a mistake, but I know that what I did will change Amanda.

I put Amanda in the way back of Stiles' jeep. While everyone else was talking and taking care of Peter and making sure if Derek and everyone was okay Stiles came up to me.

He put his hand on my shoulder and that's when he noticed me putting Amanda in the back. He frowned looking from me to Amanda and then back to me.

"No. No, you didn't. You didn't. Did you?"he asked trying to be quiet, but I know that if the rest wanted to use their super hearing they would be able to hear perfectly, because of how close they are to us.

"I-I didn't have a chose. She was dying. She was going to die either way. This way I could at least see if it'll work."I said whispering a little lower so the rest couldn't hear. The last thing I wanted was them freaking out and bombing me with questions that I didn't want to answer right now.

"All right. Okay. All right. We are just going to keep this just between the two of us, got it?"he said moving his arms around in a weird way like he always does.

"Okay. Fine."


When we got back to my house I brought Amanda up to my room. I didn't bother being quiet, because I knew that my mom was out at work.

I layed Amanda on my bed. Brushing her hair out of her face. I could hear her heartbeat at a normal pace. I let out a relief sigh knowing that she was alive and that she was okay.

I heard a knock on the door down stairs. I looked out the window seeing Stiles' jeep. I walked towards the door. I took one last glance at Amanda's peaceful state, smiling a little to myself.

I closed the door behind me. I walked down the stairs, opening the front door as Stiles walked in.

"So, is she okay? Did it work? Is she alive?"he asked as we walked up the stairs. I nodded my head saying that she was fine and that she was just laying down on my bed up stairs.

When I opened my bedroom door I expected to see a sleeping Amanda, but I opened my bedroom door to see an empty bed.

"What the hell?!"I shouted searching the room and bathroom to see if she was there. I looked at the open window and slumped my shoulders.

After everything I did, after everything I risked, she just upped and vanished into thin air.

I sat on my bed, putting my elbows on my knees, and put my head in my hands. I sighed a really loud sigh. I looked up and saw that Stiles was staring at me with raised eyes brows.

"You-you. Don't say anything."I said pointing a finger at him telling not to say anything about what just happened. He just raised his hands in surrender. I rubbed my face with my hands. I'm totally screwed.

"What are we supposed to do now? I mean, where do you think she might have gone?"I said raising my hands in the air. His face then changed like he actually had a clue as to what is happening. He pointed his finger at me waving it back and forth, while looking at the floor then looking back up at me.

"I think I may actually have an idea as to where she had gone to."

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