Chapter 2

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*Edited by Luna_AlphaWolf!*

Harry's POV

The next day, we got to go to Diagon Alley. Ginny won't stop trying to get me back, even though we all know that I have a soulmate, and I'm gay. So she's just annoying. 

As we shopped, me, Hermione, and Ron went off on our own, when I smelt the most delicious thing in the world come near us. 

"Harry, Granger, Weasley, hello." said Draco curtly.

He has  changed a bit over the summer. His hair is blonder, his eyes look more silver, he's slightly taller and he is outlined in green. Which means...

He's my mate...

"What do you want, Ferret?" Ron said.

"I just want to apologise for what I've done to you, and I'd like to talk to you all alone when we get to the train. It's important." Draco said

I frowned, guessing that he did not want to make a public scene of rejecting me. And he probably didn't want anyone to know that a Malfoy ended up with a male mate. 

"Okay, but how do we know this is not a trap?" Hermione asked.

"It's not. I'll even make an unbreakable vow to prove that I'll never hurt you." Draco said. 

"Fine. We we'll talk to you on the train. Alone." Hermione said.

"Okay then. I'll see you all later. Bye Harry." Draco said and left. I glanced at him, as he walked away. 

I'm going to die.

"That was weird," Ron said.

Draco's POV

I walked away grinning. 

"Good job Draco. But Harry seemed upset." said Lain

I nodded, not sure what to do. Why was he frowning? I'm sure I said nothing wrong. I chose my words carefully- did I not? 

"Don't worry. I am sure we did nothing wrong. Maybe it's nothing." said Lain

I nodded again. We'll figure it out when we get on the train. When I found mom, we finished shopping and went home and I told her who my mate is. She was, of course, proud of me.

*Time skip to the train.*

When we got to the train, I said bye to mom and I found Harry in an apartment with Ron Ginny and Hermione.
I growled, noticing that Ginny is flirting with my Harry. I walked in and say down next to Harry.

"Hello, Harry, Granger and Weasley. What are you doing here, Weaslette?" I said glaring at Ginny. 

"Talking to my boyfriend," Ginny replied.

"We are not dating. Leave me alone." Harry said, pushing Ginny away.

Ron sighed and said, "Ginny what do you not understand by leaving us alone."  

"Fine." She said and turned to Harry. "I can't  believe that I dated a faggot,"

 She then turned to me and said, "and I don't  see why you think you can have Harry." And she walked out.  

Harry seemed more upset and just looked at his lap.

 "So, um.. is now not a good time?" I asked.

"No Draco you can tell us what you needed." Hermione said.

Harry's POV

I can't believe that Malfoy just walked in and saw that. Why can't Hermione let him leave? I don't want to be rejected. Can't he just leave me alone?  

"Well, I've gone through my inheritance. I have some demon in me. And because of that, I have a mate. And Harry here is my mate." Draco explained.

Ron looked confused. "Wait so your mates?"  

I nodded and Draco said, "Yep. Never thought it could happen but it did. And I would love and protect Harry with all my strength."  

I looked at him and said, "Really?"  

He nodded and lightly kissed my cheek. "Forever and always  Harry."  

"Well um, I'm a Veela." I said.

"Really? That's interesting. Have you used any of your powers yet?" Draco asked.

I shook my head and Hermione said, 

"When we got to Hogwarts, we were going to look things up about Veelas. You can join us and we can look up half-demons as well."  

Draco smiled and said, "That would be brilliant. Thank you for allowing me to join."  

Hermione looked out the window and I looked too. We were nearing Hogwarts so we quickly went to the bathrooms changed and went back to the compartment.

Draco's POV

I looked at Harry and all he did is look at his lap. I looked at Ron and Hermione who is just staring blankly at us. 

"There is something wrong with Harry. I can feel the depression through the mate bond already. That's not a good sign." Lain said.

I frowned and thought back, "Well what do we do, oh so wise one?

"I don't know. Talk to him about it when we are alone." He said impatiently.  

We pulled up to the Hogwarts train station.

A/N: (Is that it? I don't know what to call it.)

We walked off the train and loaded  the carriages. We passed Hagrid, who was leading the first years to the boats, and the trio waved to him. He waved back. I noticed black horses with wings.

 "What are those?" I asked.

"Thestrals, you can only see them if you have witnessed death," Harry said. He was silent for a moment then added thoughtfully

"I am sure lots of people can see them now." 

I frowned and looked back at the creature. 

"You have seen them since fifth year. Because of Cedric." I said.

Harry nodded and looked back at his lap with a slight frown. 

"Did I say something wrong, Lain?" I asked my demon.

"Probably not. Don't worry Draco. We will find out the source of his depression soon." Lain replied.

We arrived at the entrance.

Here is the second chapter of the new version.
And I am liking it much more than the old one.
Who all thinks so? And be honest, please.

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