Chapter 6

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Harry p.o.v

the days flew by and before I knew it its Friday. Me Ron and Hermione go to the classroom and see that it is in-fact bigger. There is desk lined up enough for all the years. and the desk at the front of the room is long and has three seats. We go to the desk of the room and sit at the desk waiting for everyone to come in.

When the 8th years come in I smile when I see Draco come in with Pansy and Blaise. and He smiles at me. While everyone is coming in I go to Draco, "Hey Harry. How was the other classes?"

"They were good. how was having seven free periods?" I reply smiling. 

"Great. I missed you though." He says grinning. 

I smile and say, "I missed you to." 

"Come on Harry you can flirt with him later we have to teach." Ron yells at me as the last person comes in. 

I go stand at the front of the room with Hermione and Ron. "Hello class. I am Ms. Granger, This is Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasly as you all now."

"More like Mr. Malfoy!" Blaise yells and all the Slytherin laugh. 

"Be quite Mr. Zabanie." Ron yells at him. 

I see Draco smirk and say, "Also shouldn't Ms. Granger be called Mrs. Weasly?" 

I sigh and say, "Be quite Malfoy. Now today we are going to learn how to summon a pratronus. I am sure most of you know how. and can if you were in my club in fifth year. now the way is simple you think of your most happiest thought and say 'expecto pratronum." 

"So everyone get up and start." Hermione says smiling.

"Can we at least see you guys demonstrate?" Pansy says grinning. 

Me Ron and Hermione do the spell, making my stag appear, Rons dog appear, and Hermiones otter appear. The griffendores clap and everyone starts there spell.

Draco p.o.v

I frown as I try for the fiftieth time and nothing happen. Why cant I do the damn spell. Think happier. Lain says in my head also sounding annoyed. "I'm trying." I tell him out loud. 

Everyone looks at me weird but I ignore them. Harry comes up to me and says, "Are you okay?" 

"I cant do it. I don't know what I am doing wrong but its not working." I tell him a little upset that he can do something I cant. 

He smiles and says, "What are you thinking about?" 

"The first time I met you." I mumble blushing a little.

I glance at harry and see he is smiling brighter and he says, "Well I don't see why that's not working. Maybe there is another memory that is just slightly better. I mean. that didn't really end well with you meeting me first year." And he walks away to go help other students. 

I think about all the other memories that can possibly be better. I mean he is right. he rejected me when I figured out exactly who he was. and I was a prat. Maybe when he accepted me. yah that could work! Lain yells at me.

I smile and do the spell to see a silver mist jump out of my wand. "It worked!" I yelled as it about took shape then disappeared. 

Harry looks at me and smiles saying, "Good job Draco. concentrate next time." 

I nod and keep on trying until a silver stag is standing in front of me. Everyone looks at me surprised. But harry just smiles. Then the deer disappears.

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