Chapter 4

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Harry p.o.v

I woke up unusually warm and on a big pillow. I stayed still and relaxed into the warm pillow. But then the pillow, now not a pillow, moved. Me and the pillow went onto our sides the pillow wrapping me into an embrace. "morning Harry." The pillow said.
I opened my eyes and saw a chest. Then I looked up to see Draco. His silver eyes looking down on me. "morning." I squeaked with embarrassment.
"You're so cute when you sleep," Draco said and kissed my forehead.
We both got up and got ready for the day. "So where would you like to sit Harry?" Draco asked me as we went to the common room.
"Um. Where would you like to sit?" I replied not wanting to upset Draco or make him not sit with his friends.
"With you," Draco replied and kissed my head.
I grinned and we left without Hermione and Ron and he led me all the way to the Gryffindor table. "Draco. We can sit with the Slytherin if you want." I said unsure about over here.
Draco just smiled and said, "here is fine love. Our friends will fallow."
And just as Draco said Hermione Ron and Pansy sat with us. "Where is Blaise?" Draco asked.
"With his Boyfriend." Pansy answered just was Blaise and Nevill walked in and sat away from us.
They began eating as I just sat there looking at Draco. "Are you waiting for an invitation? Come on Harry eat." Draco said as he began to fill my plate.
I slowly ate and listened to the conversation.

After we ate, Hermione said, "since it's Sunday we can go to the library and read up on demons and veela."
We agreed and followed Hermione to the library and went to the restricted section. "We're allowed in restriction section?" Ron asked.
"Well, we are old enough now. I don't see why we should not." Hermione said taking books off shelves and handing them to us.
We took the books that Hermione chose and sat at a table. "Should we read them together so that we know about each other and selves?" Draco asked me.
"I guess. Sounds like a good idea." I said and sat next to Draco.

After hours of reading, we went to lunch. We have to learn a lot more about each other. Even some powers that come with them.
"So I was thinking maybe after we eat we can go to the ROR to practice your magic," Hermione said.
"That sounds great," I said. Draco nodded in agreement.

We then went to the ROR and we practised magic. I made Draco and Ron do some embarrassing things. And Hermione laughed with me.
After I did that they were glaring at us.
Draco can raise the dead (only skeletal forms and make them do what he wants. When he is done with them they turn to dust.) and use wandless magic.

When we finished practice, which was more like fun with magic, we went to dinner.

Draco p.o.v

I noticed Harry not eating much and I remember that I need to ask Harry about his depression. Lain agrees of course.
Dam our author is forgetful. Lain said in my head.
"Who is the author?" I asked out loud on accident making people look at me weird.
Don't worry about it. Just be happy she is finally writing. Lain responded.
"Okay?" I said confused.
"Are you okay?" Harry asks.
"Yeah just talking to Lain. He is weird." I said and kissed his cheek.
Harry smiled and cuddled me not eating.
I sighed and grabbed his fork and began feeding him. Harry shook his head and pushed the food away. "Harry, eat," I said putting the food closer to him.
Harry sighed and took the fork and began eating still cuddling me.
"Good boy," I said kissing his forehead.
Harry huffed and continued to eat.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.

After dinner, Harry was more tired than normal. So we went to bed and he fell asleep cuddling me.
I cuddled him more and fell asleep a few minutes after him.

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