Chapter 11

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Lain p.o.v

Fuuuuuuuck thisssssssss. Why cant draco just. Aaaaaaa. I want to have sex with him. I blame the author. Shes a jerk.  I dont care that we are 11 chapters in. I want to kiss him and fuck him tell he cant walk.
Lain I swear if you dont shut the fuck up I'll make us sleep on the couch. Draco says. So. I keep my thoughts quite.
Fuck you author. And your little fans to.

Harry p.o.v

I wake up to see draco glaring at the ceiling. "You okay?" I ask and cuddle to him.
"Yah I'm fine. Lain is just being an ass." Draco replies and holds me.
I nod and nuzzle his chest.
He holds me tight and sighes. "I just wish hed shut up."
I laugh a little. "You know. Hermione once told me hearing voices in your head is not normal in the wizarding world."
"Oh so I'm crazy now?" Draco says and laughs a little.
I nod and say, "crazy in love."
Draco nods and kiss my forehead.

Draco p.o.v

We eventually get up and get dressed. Lain is still being an annoying prick. But I deal with it and we go to breakfast.

Later we are in tbe common room and lain is still being an asshole.
Oh stop. Just. Fuck. Harry. Lain says.
Fuck you asshat. I reply.
Mean. Lain responds.

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