Bros And Hoes

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Alaina's POV
Nov 11, 2019

I got up and smiled as I looked at Cole sleeping.

He looked like an angle while he slept.

I kissed his forehead then got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Cole let's go gonna be late for school!" I yelled.

He yawned and looked at me with a smile.

"Morning sexy." He said laughing slightly.

"Morning now lets go your gonna be late for school." He pulled the blankets off of him.

He sighed before going into the bathroom.

He came back out with sweat pants on and a hoodie.

"Really your gonna wear that to school?" I laughed.

He nodded yes then put his timbs on.

He looked at my outfit and growled in anger but I had no idea why.

''What is everything okay?'' I asked him in a confused manner.

''I don't like what you are wearing change now.'' He growled again in anger.

I looked at my outfit.

I am wearing a black tang top with black jeans and shoes.

''You look as though someone has died Alaina please and people can see every thing that is mine.'' He laughed a little.

I went into the walk in closet he made for me and looked around in it.

I picked out a cute outfit.

I wore a black long sleeved shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, white vans with my hair pulled into a bun showing off my two day old love bites.

I applied my make up lightly but not to light then walked out of the bathroom.

Cole walked behind me and put a locket around my neck and smiled before leaving more love bites on my neck.

''Whats in the locket?'' I questioned him.

''A picture of all of us since you are apart of the family now you have something to remind you of that, I know when you first came here I was an asshole to you and I am very sorry I didn't think I would ever learn to love you and also it is so that when you are feeling down and you feel as though all your friends have left you now you know that your family has never left you and we will always be here for you no matter what happens because we love you Alaina and more importantly I love you and I am so glad to have you in my life you make my days so much better when all I wanna do is punch people in the face but you make them worth getting through.'' Cole said kissing my hand.

I almost began to cry but instead I kissed Cole on his lips then told him I loved him.

''Lets get everyone up were gonna be late for school don't want to do that now do we.'' He laughed.

We both walked out into the hallway then stopped.

''LETS GO LAZY ASSES GET UP TIME FOR SCHOOL WERE GONNA BE LATE!'' Cole yelled which made me laugh a little.

''Baby you already sound like a dad.'' I laughed even more.

Everyone walked out of the room then we all went downstairs to eat breakfast.

We left for school when we showed up everyone looked at all of us like we were nuts.

Cole wrapped his arm around me then stopped looking at the others.

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