Ch.15-"why did I do that,"

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As I climb into bed I start to think. Why? Why did I do that, I can't believe I kissed Soph on the forehead. I mean things are just going to be awkward now. I don't even like her that way. Right? And besides we live together. We're just gonna act like nothing happened. God, stop thinking about this Fitz's, let's think about the... house! Yah.

I mean it's not as big as the one Biana and I live in (not trying to brag). My favourite place besides Sophie's hidden room and the living room. All those long soft couches to lie on, with the fluffy blankets and pillows i- what the I sound like a girl. I've been spending way to much time with Biana. At least it's better than Keefe. I look over at the clock, seeing that's it's almost 1 in the morning I decide to try and fall asleep. Lying on my side I feel eyes getting droopy, soon to be lost to the powers of sleep...


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