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"Hey, Aramis?" I walked out of the bathroom wiping my face with a paper towel.

"Yeah?" We started walking back to the cafeteria, I stopped and turned to him.

"You can't, Tell anyone, not even Asa, got that?" I gave him a death glare so he knew I was serious.

"I would never tell a soul." He looked me directly in the eyes and made a promised to keep my secret. When we got back Asa and Chloe looked at us funny then started laughing.

"So...what's up love birds." Chloe giggled as we both sat down and I gave her a death glare, and Aramis punched Asa on the arm.

"Not funny, okay. Lets go, Ender." He gritted his teeth as we walked out to the green house. It was beautiful; vines hanging fromm the celing, flowers coming from everywhere and the pond filled with coy fish.

"It's amazing." I smiled sitting down at the edge of the coy pond, I saw Aramis' reflection in the water as he walked up behind me and sat down. I stared into the pond thinking about what had happened today.

"You know, We have free period next we can stay here if you want?" I knodded still staring into the pond as it glistened in the light. I heard the pitter patter of rain starting to fall from the clouds.

"What was with Asa and Chloe?" Thunder struck at the end of my sentence making me jump.

"We are all like family, Asa looks after me like a brother, Chloe however is like an annoying sister." I loved how close they were, Chloe was really funny when she annoyed him. The sprinklers went off and we had to run out of the green house, we were soaked and it was raining outside which didn't help. I started coughing as we ran for shelter gigling.

"Lets get you inside." Aramis picked me up bridal style and carried me to the library, I went to find a book in the sci-fi section. I could see movment through the shelfs and told Aramis to come over to me.

"OH-mwjajahzgwas." I covered his mouth so he would be quiet, Chloe and Asa were cuddled up in the corner making out, eww!

"Aramis, what are we gonna do?" I looked at him shocked, he had a devilish grin on his fave, oh god.

"payback time!" He crept closer to them being careful not to make a sound. "The library is for reading not kissing." Aramis mocked the librarian and Asa and Chloe turned as white as ghosts.

"Aramis!" the both yelled.

"Oh shit, RUN!" i screamed running out of the library, I ran to the green house, the sprinklers were still on, the wouldn't think I be here, Aramis followed me.

"That was close, we are so dead." he turned to look at me.

*Aramis' POV*

I turned to look at Ender, she was truly beatutiful, her deep red curls glistened in the light because of the water droplets, her bright green eyes full of hopes and dreams and her smile could light the world. All of a sudden she faints, I panic running to get help. I carried her the the hospital, tears running down my face, I couldn't lose her.

The doctor took her in imediatly, five minuets later the results came back, Chloe and Asa had arrived once I'd called them. She had low blood sugar, I couldn't tell Asa and Chloe so I just told them she fainted.

"Is she going to be okay?" Chloe's hair sticking to the beads of sweat on her forehead, nearly about to cry.

"I hope so." Asa whispered barley audible.

"Me too Ace, me too." I threw my head in my hands, the frustration getting to me.

"You really like her, don't you?" Asa put his hand on my shoulder.

"She is perfect Ace, I know she is the one." I let the tears fall down my cheeks, I wasn't afraid to hide my real feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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