Chapter 1: Summer Camp

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'Emma Wilson?' Mr

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'Emma Wilson?' Mr.Morgz called out. I raised my hand and sighed 'Welcome to hell' Isabel said leaning towards the window, Isabel grabs her backpack and abruptly grabs a stink bomb then clutches onto it behind her back 'Almighty stink bomb' she whispered following with a giggle. Isabel is my only best friend throughout my childhood but she has a habit of pranking people, especially Brittney Campbell. Brittney is a generic 'Popular girl' and she's good at playing the role but her reputation went down when the legendary  Zachary Middleston broke up with her. 

'Don't tell me you're going to prank Brittney' I said nonchantly know that she was going to say yes.' Of course, she's a massive Weiner' Isabel replied with a giant grin on her face. 

Hours passed by and we finally arrived into Camp FisherLake , I grabbed my backpack and waited in line to get out of the bus 'Come on' Isabel murmured. Isabel is quite an impatient girl so take note of that. Once we were let out of the bus the Camp Counselor glared at me awfully 'Welcome to camp FisherLake' he said with a smile that is faker than my ego , 'Here we are very obliging and content kiddos'. The atmosphere grew silent once he said that  but Mr.Morgz was the first to break the ice 'Okay I handed all of you a piece of paper to see where your Cabin is and your roommate', I looked at my piece of paper and I see Brittney immediately on it 'Oh great' I said sarcastically. 

Somewhere in the distance I see Brittney giving me a cold stare and walking  towards me flipping her hair , everything I did with Brittney didn't end so well. ' Emily' she called out 'my name is Emma' I corrected 'Do I look like I care? Where is this Cabin 13 anyways' Brittney replied while snapping  her fingers, Suddenly I spotted Cabin 13 right around the corner 'over there' I shouted.

Cabin 13 greeted us with its broken door and a bad smelling Oder coming from the room , Brittney grabs a hankerchief from her purse and blocks her nose from the stench of the smell. My eyes started watering 'there is no way I'm going inside' Brittney whined while making disgusting vomiting noises  'It's not that bad' I insisted. 

The door creaked open revealing a dusty old room filled with spiderwebs 'It's that bad' Brittney mumbled , I hate to say it but Brittney was right but then again what did I expect? Brittney complained about the Odor 'it smells like a dead rat died in here' . I continue to observe the room then I hear a faint muffled sound coming below the creaks of the floor , 'This is utterly rubbish and its going to get worse with you' Brittney muttered. 

' Shut up Brittney' I sneered trying to hear the noises from the floorboards 'I hope a dead rat comes and eats you alive' Brittney blurted out 'Thanks Brit' I responded with sarcasm. 


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Thanks for reading the first chapter, I know it's short but in the future I'll promise I'll make it longer.

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