Chapter: 3.1 FisherLake Creep

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'Stay here ' I say nervously.

I crept inside of the room.

'Hello?' I said holding the flashlight.

The lights flickered.

This is a sign things are not going to end well , if this is where I die then so be it.

I die in a dusty ragged place.

A black silhouette shifted around the room.

'I'm always watching' a voice called out that sent a shiver down my spine.

I didn't want to look back , it was a risk.

'Emily' a recognisable tone whisper to me , I turned around revealing a girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. The features were a bit faded from the darkness.

'Brittney?' I croaked , 'Emma come out' Brittney says with a rather stern tone.

That was no Brittney talking to me , her voice sounded more raspy and bleak , instantaneously the so-called fake Brittney vanished into the abyss.

The lights flickered back on, promptly I told Brittney the whole news , Brittney was rather more sorrowful than appalled 'I don't want to go there into the Cabin anymore were not longer safe' Brittney says while holding her palms onto her face.

The Camp counselor approached us 'What are you kids doing here?' He says with a irritated manner 'none of you buisiness' Brittney stammered 'Well monsters could be lurking around so stay alert' The Camp Counseler says with a malicious  grin on his face.

His brown eyes gazed at me then trotted along to his office.

'It's obvious that he was behind this mess' Brittney exclaimed.

The Camp counselor was acting suspicious throughout the whole day , was the Counselor who we anticipated him to be?

The next day the Counselor was no longer to be seen , how strange of him to vanish out of nowhere.


I know short story but I had to end this on a cliff hanger thing :33 

Chapter 4 is going to be long I promise :D 

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