Chapter 1: Notification

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Layla's POV

I groaned loudly as the sun rays hit my eyes cruelly. Someone must have opened the curtains. I rolled on the bed to face away from such brutality so early in the morning.

“Baby cakes”, a voice cooed. “It's time to get up”, my Dad sat beside me as he shook me gently.

“Noooo”, I whined as I covered myself with a pillow and groaned again. “Ten more minutes”

“Breakfast is almost ready, see you downstairs in a bit”, I felt the bed undip next to me and a few seconds the door closed softly. I got up to sit up straight, rubbed the sleep off my eyes and let out a lazy yawn.

I looked like the walking dead in the morning, from my messed up hair and looking like I was almost hit by a train and got into a street fight. The mirror on the wall certainly proved me right. I got up from my bed stretching my arms and I pulled a muscle.

Yeah. I should really go back to jogging in the mornings, maybe from next week. I knew I was lying to myself because I was really good at procrastinating, but I had a bit of faith in myself.

I walked to the bathroom for a quick shower. I tied my hair in a messy bun, after it took me aged to even dry it. I wore a pair of navy blue jeans and a white tank top and my white sneakers. I wasn't a fan of make-up that much for I just put a little touch of mascara on my already long eyelashes, and I was good to go.

I walked downstairs to be welcomed by an amazing coffee aroma, it smelt heavenly. Man! I love coffee
Dad was already dishing up for us and I noticed there was a third plate on the table. Normally it would just be the two of us. My mother died when I was eight years old. She was diagnosed with leukemia and unfortunately, after battling with the illness for four years, she passed away. It was the hardest time for our family, especially to my Dad, her passing really struck him hard. My mother meant the world to us, she bought that warm feeling to the house, making it a home. Her absence really left a void in our hearts, and it was clearly noticed.

“Morning”, I kissed Dad on the cheek, and he smiled as he continued dishing up. Toast, bacon, scrambled eggs and sliced tomatoes

“Baby cakes”, he grinned, and I rolled my eyes

“When are you going to stop calling me by that name?”, I protested, folding my arms. He chucked softly, I knew he thought I was just being plain ridiculous.

“Uhm, let me see”, he posed to think for a second. “When I'm dead”, he began laughing. I sighed heavily.

“I'm too old for that name now. I'm 22 now Dad”, I continued with my protests. Not that I was getting to him or anything. He had that, and what's your point exactly? look on his face.

“I don't care”, he shrugged. “To me you'll always be my Baby cakes”, he smirked at me. “And my little girl for as long as I'm still breathing”. I opened my mouth to say something, but he interrupted me.

“Coffee?”, he offered me a cup and well I couldn't say no to that. He knew how to shut me up.

“Mhm”, I hummed in response as I accepted the cup from him and took a sip. “But this is not over yet”, I warned, and he chuckled softly.

“It never is”, I heard him mumble to himself as he smiled. It was always great to see him smile.

“It feels good to be back home”

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