Chapter 3: Matrimony

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Layla's POV

There I was, just standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself. Today my life was changing for the worst. I was going to be someone's wife.

What was I thinking honestly? Who in their right mind just agrees to be married off to a complete stranger because of money? Does that make me an awful person?

“Are you ready?”, my best friend, Lelo asked as she walked through the door. I sighed heavily.

“In a minute”, I took one last look at myself again. What are you getting yourself into Layla?

Stacy, my other best friend pushed passed Lelo to stand in front of me and looked at me. They both looked beautiful in their navy blue strapless dresses.

“You're actually doing this, baby?”, Stacy asked in awe and I sighed heavily again

“I have no any other choice Stacy. I have to. To save my families empire”, I shrugged lightly, and she shook her head.

“Isn't there another way to go around this, pay them off or something?”, she asked as she sat down opposite me as Lelo helped me put my vein on

“Do you think if there was another way, I would be doing this?”, I deadpanned, and she opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it again

“It's just that we care about you babe, we don't want to see you getting hurt”, Lelo said as they approached me for a group hug

“I'm a big girl. I can handle this”, I said enthusiastically, and they smiled weakly at me. They knew me better than that.

“You look beautiful “, they chorused as Stacy helped me put on the necklace she borrowed me. “I'll be needing this back on my wedding day”, she teased, and we laughed.

I was wearing a lace-topped sweetheart neckline ball gown that fully covered my petite figure. It was just okay, considering that I didn't have enough time to find my ideal wedding dress.

“This is it huh?”, I asked as the three of us held hands, and they helped me take steady breaths

“Well, since it's a wedding and there is going to be a wedding night”, Stacy air quoted before handing me a paper bag, “I bought you this, a little something something”

I took it and pulled out a red and black laced lingerie. The outfit looked so small, there was no way I could fit into this.

“Uh”, I laughed uncomfortably. “This thing looks so...tight”, I said uneasily.

“Well that's the point. Duh”, she rolled her eyes.

“I don't think I'll be needing this”, I returned the little outfit into the bag

“You naughty girl”, she grinned mischievously as she hit me on the arm playfully. “So you mean you plan on not wearing anything at all to bed huh?” , she winked and Lelo burst out into laughter

“No, eww”, I shivered at that thought. Me, naked with a man I hardly know. Not going to happen. What do I mean hardly?. I don't know him, period!

“What I mean is that, I don't think there is going to be a wedding night, it's an arranged marriage remember?”, I air quoted, and she frowned as she mouthed,


“So....”, Lelo pursed her lips in a straight line while raising a brow. “What does he look like?”

“Who? Damon?”, I questioned, and she nodded her head and I shrugged my shoulders

“I don't know. I haven't seen him face to face, only on the net and socials”, both their jaws dropped at my words

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