Chapter 5: Mutual

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Damon's POV

I stood over Layla as she slept soundly on the couch. She was sleeping in an unusual position that surely put a lot of pressure on her neck and spine. This was definitely going to hurt when she wakes up but yet again, this has nothing to do with me.

I actually got a chance to look at her, she actually looked beautiful than she looked in the pictures. They must be an old images of her. The more I looked at her, the more I felt sorry for her. Why did she allow herself to be dragged into all of this? It was a point of no return.

Tsk, tsk, tsk

I shook her gently and her eyes peeled open as she groaned in pain as she sat up straight

"Aw", she groaned in agony as she massaged her neck

"Here, I got you some clothes", I placed a small bag in front of her, and she gave me the deadly eye before standing slowly to her feet, took the bag and walked in the direction of the bathroom, slamming the door hard behind her

Well, she's grumpy this morning

I walked in on her in the kitchen, making breakfast for herself, and she rolled her eyes at the sight of me and I heard her mutter a few words under her breath. I was intrigued to know what names she was probably calling me by, but I also didn't care much.

"Come, we're leaving", I ordered, and she widened her eyes as she stopped mid-action of pouring juice for herself

"I haven't had breakfast yet", she complained, and I rolled my eyes

"Too bad then, we're leaving and if you insist on having breakfast. I'm leaving without you. I have more important things to attend to", I could see her taking a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

"I really do hate you", she spat as she left was she was doing. She was in the process of making herself some breakfast.

"I know and fortunately, the feeling is mutual", I smirked in her direction and she rolled her eyes before picking up some fruits and put them in her bag, closely following behind me

We made it to the airport in time and my private jet was already awaiting us. We boarded, and I prepared to fly in total peace without any interruptions, and by interruptions I meant her.

I checked my work e-mails and I noticed that Layla had fallen asleep, again when I was done. She was shivering with her arms tightly wrapped around her and though that maybe I should cover her with something.

Nahh, she's a big girl, she surely can sense when she's cold. I thought otherwise as I plugged my earphones on and listened to music.

Layla's POV

I woke up to notice that we were not in the jet anymore but in moving car

How did I get here? Did Damon carry me?

-I think not

I'm certain the driver or someone else other than him carried me to the car. Damon is too much of a meanie and a jerk to do such a thing. I honestly can't believe the bastard made me sleep on the couch last night. My neck and back are killing me, plus I didn't even have anything solid for breakfast, all thanks to him.

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